some people see this and say bring the troops home, like if your child gets beat up at school you home school him and train him to win the spelling bee. the very reason we are at war with the middle east is over ideolgies. Supposing thats our premise, then what does retreating do for our cause. War is hell, and hardly any of you would support war in the middle east due to any cause, so your opinion doesnt really mean anything. You dont have an opinion on iraq, you have an all encompassing opinion on war which grounds you firmly against any conflict. These conflicts however, are what make your kumbayah happy go lucky fuck the government lifestyle even possible.
I see this and it further supports my posistion to resolve the biggest issue facing the world right now, the middle east, and i would like it approached sooner rather than later., but go ahead and bring the troops home, i assure you we will send them back again. This is not a bush problem, this is not a replublican problem, a democrat problem, it is a global issue.