lol at "wearing 50 cent sunglasses."
i dont know, though, warrior just sounds like a huge hater trying to get himself back in the limelight. i dont doubt hogan is a scumbag but its kinda pathetic taking so much time to try and bring down another person. the day i sit in my room talking into a camera about how much i hate one person is the day I need help
i thought this was funny:
Over this past weekend, a fan asked Hulk Hogan, via Twitter, if the rumors of Ultimate Warrior working as a male escort back in the 80's, prior to his pro wrestling debut, were true. Hogan responded by saying,
“he was more than a male escort. You guys figure it out. HH”
Warrior then fired back on Twitter, and responded to Hogan's statement by posting the following on his Twitter account:
"Warrior God for ULTIMATE time. Demand is HIGH. Escort limited to pro-wrestlers wives. Reserve right to refuse service. No, HH. Linda, no."
lol wut?!?