mostly all them links are down, sopcast got one hell of a lag time!!!
Need some new websites where i can watch UFC fights...Anybody got some good sites besides justinTV and channel surfing??
my steaming link died out so i wasnt able to see the Johnson and Kos interview......Did they interview Johnson and what was his "excuse" for the loss?! It looked like he wasnt over that last eye poke cuz he got hit with some punches that looked as if he didnt see them coming?!?.......
he should have his money purse takin for fakin the injury and i seen them i poke attempts. i hope dan hardy kicks his ass if they ever meet in the octogon
Yea lil nog just might be a force...we'll have to wait and see! Ben saunders KTFO Davis, and Baroni needs to re-evaluate his career cuz he dont got it NO more!!!! Dont forget about Grove and his triangle choke....Dude has insanely long
and if you don't agree with that, fuck you. I have a bulging disc in my neck. My C... S... 6.... 712. Ya. And my skull is cracked! Fuck y'all, I'm dead right now and I'm still posting. You couldn't do that.
scratch that nonsense i just rewatched the fight forest owned round 1 except tito had a take down, tito had a great round 2 , then forest round 3 is so fuckin crisp and tito looks gassed