tying 2012 and 10-14-2008 together

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Mar 4, 2007
LOLOL this guy is a wanna be bill o' reilly. i believe in aliens and i believe in love and higher vibrations as being our destination. i believe oct. 14th willcome w/ some fun surprises for humanity and that 2012 will be a wonderful break down of society as we know it, but lol @ these..

You have an ego, but you cannot turn it off. So, in this particular instance, you can use your ego in either one of two ways:

1.) Reject the information on this website due to the fact that you do not want to feel like you've been lied to your entire life.


2.) Accept the information on this website, and then use it to make yourself feel superior to other human beings.
or you could detach from the ego and not have any rise from this information. (buddhist and hindu goals)

So, for example, your understanding of history is skewed, because the so-called "official" version of history that you were taught was written by the ruling elite themselves.
no shit, sherlock.

Nothing in the universe is infinite. The False Realm is a finite realm.
lol he's God now lol.

Women are ultra-impressionable beings, and therefore are easily controlled by aliens and the elite. The main purpose of women on Earth (that is, what aliens have programmed them to do) is to enslave men via relationships. Women are obsessed with relationships and love (due to alien programming), and don't care about anything else in life. They would have men believe that being in a relationship is one of the most important things in existence, not realizing that men couldn't care less about being in a relationship--and rightfully so. Furthermore, women force men to waste their precious time and resources on them. This demonic charade (i.e., relationships) has gone on for far too long and obviously has no end in sight. Thus, you can blame women for the downfall and utter hopelessness of humanity.

Make no mistake: It is indeed tragic that men cannot satisfy their sexual needs without also getting trapped in a relationship at the same time (otherwise, they will be accused of rape, since non-relationship consensual sex does not exist on Earth, due to the aforementioned programming of women). Demonic enslavement traps such as this are the standard modus operandi of the Reptilians and Darkness. Now, just imagine if you had to buy an entire pizza restaurant just to order a pizza; an evil absurdity indeed.

Another thing that makes women insufferable is the fact that they are, essentially, babies. That is, they possess the emotional maturity of a 4-year-old boy. Women cry, throw fits, and need men to take care of them. Um, adults shouldn't need someone else to take care of them.

All in all, women promote the enslavement, rather than the liberation, of humanity. It's bad enough that aliens and the elite already control us. Now, throw women into the equation, and you have absolute misery. They are like sheep dogs helping out a shepherd (hence the term "bitch," in case you didn't know).

And to think, women are actually proud of their controlling ways. What a disgrace.
lolol yeah thats not a ethnocentric and subject point of view at all.

dude was pissed that his wife left him or some shit.
Apr 25, 2002
yo.. maybe mistahmurdah can read that shit out loud for us in that silly joker voice.. i skimmed through it.. not gonna say it was interestin' 'cause i've read tons of bullshit like this before ... but i found this funny..

Women are ultra-impressionable beings, and therefore are easily controlled by aliens and the elite. The main purpose of women on Earth (that is, what aliens have programmed them to do) is to enslave men via relationships. Women are obsessed with relationships and love (due to alien programming), and don't care about anything else in life. They would have men believe that being in a relationship is one of the most important things in existence, not realizing that men couldn't care less about being in a relationship--and rightfully so. Furthermore, women force men to waste their precious time and resources on them. This demonic charade (i.e., relationships) has gone on for far too long and obviously has no end in sight. Thus, you can blame women for the downfall and utter hopelessness of humanity.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
  • Ry


I read that whole page, some of it was interesting, but most of it was bs and contradictory. He talks about how the reptilians created gods and religions but later talks about how the universe was created by a being called "Darkness". Wouldnt this just be another form of god???
Oct 7, 2005
Hmmm, pretty interesting red to say the least. But, had NOTHING to do with tying 2012 and 10/14/08 in the first place, lol. Ive been heard about the 2012 thing many years ago but whats this 10/14/08 theory anyway?


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall

I wish for a time machine... to fast forward & laugh at everyone that is remotely persuaded into believing any of this BULLSHIT.

Reptiles. PFT!! HAHAHAHAAAA!!!



Some of you siccness folks (Yes you) are really truly "special" people.
I don't believe in this Reptile shit but a lot of people say the same thing about religous people believing in biblical stuff. I mean how is a snake telling a rib-woman to eat from a off limits tree much more far fetched?

Just saying man.

If people want to believe stupid crap, I say let them.
Mar 4, 2007
lol the point is that women are horrible beings

godzilla, i was seriously cracking up and reading out loud that part to my mom, she was laughing as well.
not only do i have personal experience with a man that wanted to be in a relationship with me, while i didn't want to be because i just dont' like attachments but he also was just non-stop telling me that i was the "one" for him, and i didn't want to get married.
am i a really a woman because i don't fit his description

*clenis accidently shows*
lol wtf
Feb 14, 2006
yeah that shit about the women had me crackin up..must be some fallout with his bitch..lol at guys like pizza right? and what if u wanted to eat a slice of pizza but they try and make you buy the pizza parlour..
its a good read alot is contradicting and the shit about the 12 dimensions is too much for me to comprehend