post up a link if you got it, you know we all ganna buy it anyway...
oh yea, twiztid is wack for trying to make us buy 3 copys of the fucking cd... that is why i hate psy at times
so post a link!
Well teamin up with Hot Topic and Best Buy, must mean Psy is trying to expand, so I can't blame'em for dat, but yeah, three diffent packages was weak, they shoulda put the extra songs on a EP, and sold a "W.I.C.K.E.D package" including a T-Shirt, EP, Videos, and Comic Book, I think that would've gotten them more sales, but if W.I.C.K.E.D is being put on the charts (of course it is) then they are just trying to get more sales for it, which I am sure you all have figured out (that wasn't sarcasm)