I am sorry 4everreign, I am in the process of doing things for myself in this bizz to contribute to the wack local music scene and try and make things look a little upwards on the good side, and I had decided to kinda back up off of the Siccness for a while because of these cats on here that think I aint about to do shit. I have some shit for they asses, and when it's done, I'll be back on here in full effect, but you know that I had to hold it down for my nigga Tech.
Some cats talkin' out the side of they necks about what anyone says on here that they dont think is worthy of what ever the fuck they standards are, and try to be tough guys and all hard, but the ones that are real niggas, and are hard aint making all the noise on here trying to computer check Tech fans. Plus, cats on here try to sound hard behind a fucking keyboard and when you see em' at a show they are usually 5' 7" 136 lbs. and jeffing up the wazoo hoping to get back stage to meet Tech more worse than T9anghellic420... Honestly, I aint seen as many pussies in my life, but when people want to hold you down, I gotta leave the scene cause I aint all about that negative shit, cause in person they wont step and I know that for a fact. Me personally, I am cool with 99% of the Siccness members, but its the shit that they say in here that makes me think...
I will be on here periodially like always reading this shit laughing like a fool at these fools...