MasZive Speaking...
"I am here to add my 2 cents...
JUSTIN... You are talking to "well, I'll let you figure out who STRANGE1 is....!" but you are outta line, and so are some of the people that responded in a way, but dude, you came at us with an opinion immediately and then you turned it into a bashing on Tech man, so therefore...
For one... Strange Music gives not a fuck about what these bitch ass wanna be crip ass niggas have to say about what the Fuck Tech & Strange Music does and so called doesn't do... They aint making him any money, but Tech sure is breaking em'... I can tell you that much... Because of Tech, these locals albums that are dropped are shots in the dark because he is soooo high up on his skill level, and they mad cause they shit doesn't see the light of day...
Two... This is funny coming from me, cause I am using Matt's computer, but can't log in... Say what yall will, yall know me nigga's... Anyways... "How is it that Tech "SHOULD" have a much bigger fan base????? He can't control people, well sort of, but anyway's, people buy what the fuck they wanna.... Just because bitch ass 103.3 dont play him, doesn't mean shit, just because these fake ass wanna come up in the rap game nigga's dont like him cause they can't bring in 75 people to a show even if it was a family reunion next door doesn't mean shit... He doesn't have to worry because he's in a position where he can't be stopped, and guess what, when he does make it big, those faggot ass radio stations, local bammer rappers, and all those nigga's that have crossed him and aint on his team will "SUFFER!!!" I.M.O., Tech is the light at the end of the tunnel where there is recognition in the game for K.C. and what is and what has been slept on and that is K.C....
Three... Nick was right, niggas in K.C. aren't even intelligent enough to disect Tech and have fun with his never dying music... He gives you more than a CD, he gives you a fucking challenge to figure out what this is and what'd that mean and you feel like what else can this man do, and Bamm he doesn it again and he does it three more times, and all these niggas want him on they shit cause they know that he makes some of the most sickest, realest, hardcore, "beautiful" shit, and if you dont like it, fuck you type of music...
Four... Check the soundscan...
Tell Vell, Don, Macc, RDV's or whoever put you up to this to, "Go Get They Money" and make a fucking hit!