TO Dickriders and Haters of the same...

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May 2, 2002
I don't want to speak for Czar, but I doubt that he REALLY HATES Kobe. He doesn't even know him.

He just dislikes the way he plays basketball and that's his way of expressing his views.....

But enough about's not my job to speak on him.

Now take a look at me, wicked or alkahol, when have you seen us say we hate anyone. When have you heard us bash ANYONE?
I can't recall a time, nor do I want to try and prove that you have. I'll take your word that you haven't.
Apr 25, 2002
gimpypimp said:
I don't want to speak for Czar, but I doubt that he REALLY HATES Kobe. He doesn't even know him.

He just dislikes the way he plays basketball and that's his way of expressing his views.....
No, im pretty sure he hates him. Im sure you can find threads where he actually says "I hate Kobe", but I guess it doesnt really matter.
May 19, 2002
Man we all have players or teams we luv & hhate, yall just use that word out of content!! Bein a hater has nuthin to do with sports homie!! Thats real life shit like when a fool hateson u with a broad, or sum personal shit. As for sports everyone likes and dislikes teams!! I dont like the Fakers or Ko-Me My-ant!! And I know there are players or teams u dont like either nitro. But yall can think what u want, cause again Ko-me is a top 15 player and thats it! he will never be even half of what Jordan is!! Thats just real talk, but take it how u want it!! And poorbread while u may think Im a hater, I think u are a pussy ass bitch that get hurt feelings to easy!! So I dont respect what u say, but nitro atleast dont cry and get bitchy like u, so I do show him a lil respect, but he is close to the edge of losin that as well!! Haha!! Good lookin out gimpy!! GOT EM!!!
May 10, 2002
Do i need your respect?Why you think i got your punk ass on ignore dickhead...all you do is spill negativity from your bitch ass mouth...thats bein a hater...and you NEVER admit when your wrong...all you do is avoid the situation/conversation like a BITCH...thats also tales of bein a hater...i dont give a fuck if we were talkin about would STILL have some shit to say about this is a final "fuck you" from me to you aint gonna get no where in life as a person or as an artist...constantly hatin on others opinions...learn some muthafuckin respect....then come talk to me hater..i dont chit chat with 12 year olds...go take a nap and do some fingerpainting...
May 19, 2002
Damn dogg do u need a box of tissues pussy??? U aint shit and never will be shit bitch!! Marks never prosper!! Take that sissy shit elsewhere, u dont belong here, this is a board for men not bitches that get hurt!!! So fuck u and all u stand for bitch!! Uza mark and I will call u that to yo face if I saw yo bitch ass!! Now what pussy!! U take this shit to serious hoe!! Now stop postin here if u gonna cry u lil mark!!! GOT EM!!!
Apr 25, 2002
Man we all have players or teams we luv & hhate, yall just use that word out of content!! Bein a hater has nuthin to do with sports homie!! Thats real life shit like when a fool hateson u with a broad, or sum personal shit.
That’s true, the word has been misused and watered down in recent history, but that’s just the way shit goes. The word means that you "hate" on something someone does without regards to what it is they are doing and more importantly how efficient they are doing it. That is the case in which I label you a hater. Exactly who are these 14 players that are better then Kobe and exactly what do you base that opinion on? Weather or not he is the best player in the NBA is rather irrelevant in this case, but the question of weather or not there are 14 players better then him. He is leading a poorly structured team to victory right now, by himself. He doesn’t have anyone averaging 17 and 9 like Van Horn does and 11 and 8 like Snow does for Iverson, no one to average 15 and 4 for McGrady like Miller does etc. You REFUSE to believe anything that proves your opinion wrong, that’s why I label you a hater. If you backed up and gave reasonable facts to anything you say, I wouldn’t label you like that, rather I would take your opinion for what it is and live with it. However, since I know your saying the things you do solely because you dislike the player and the team, there is nothing that says otherwise as to what you are and why you think the way you do.
May 19, 2002
Again I dont give a fuck what u label me nitro kb!!! I label u a mark so whats your point?? It didnt matter if I thought there were 50 players better than Ko-Me, is thats what I think then thats what I think!! So u think what u want, and I will know what I know potna!! Ko-Me aint the best and never will be!! he has Shag averaging like 24+ points, and like 9-10 rebounds atleast a game!! Try again potna!! Mraks never prosper!! GOT EM!!!
Apr 25, 2002
Again I dont give a fuck what u label me nitro kb!!! I label u a mark so whats your point?? It didnt matter if I thought there were 50 players better than Ko-Me, is thats what I think then thats what I think!! So u think what u want, and I will know what I know potna!! Ko-Me aint the best and never will be!! he has Shag averaging like 24+ points, and like 9-10 rebounds atleast a game!! Try again potna!! Mraks never prosper!! GOT EM!!!
Whats my point? You questioned the reasoning behind people throwing around the word "hater". I gave you a reason why we say it. You basically just posed a question, and then asked why I answered it... Yes Shaq is puting up good numbers, funny but, how can he be doing that when hes playing with "the most selfish player in history". Out of all the guards, its only Kobe who shares the ball enough for others to score; His team mate (shaq)accumulates more stats then any other second player in the NBA. Maybe 5th or 6th you would have a case, but 1st?


Siccness Gray Hair
Apr 25, 2002
Auburn Wa
It's only a fuckin message board to debate.If I was to meet someone who called my team fags,or my favorite player a fag,I could throw back a duecer with them and laugh about it.What,I'm gonna go head up with Nitro cuz he likes Koldbe,and I think he's overated?Get real,Nitro's a dickrider n all,(j/p)but I would buy that mutherfucker a beer,and we would laugh at all this shit we post on here.

This is a message board about sports!!!S-P-O-R-T-S
It's fun to argue,but like I said,I been on this board for atleast 5 years,and I would be the only cat who did'nt like Cali teams.Every post was people pattin each other on the back,well fuck all that,I'm clownin the SF Giants,and Warriors and any other team that got bootsie bandwagon fans...they're garbo!!!
