Impact Quarter Hours Detailed
0.99 Hogan/Abyss vs Flair/Styles, Sting interrupts the match and beats on Hogan/Abyss.
0.98 Sting continues to beat on Hogan/Abyss, Short Sting segment backstage with Dixie Carter, Flair/Styles interview backstage, Short Abyss segment backstage, Short Brooke Hogan segment backstage, Kaz, Daniels, Williams talk in the ring.
1.00 Kaz vs Daniels vs Williams, Moore comes to the ring, Short Dixie Carter interview backstage, Beautiful People vs Tara/Love vsWilde/Sarita.
1.07 Daffney comes to the ring to interfere, Pope interview backstage Wolfe attacks Pope, Beautiful People interview backstage, Sting comes to the ring for his match.
1.07 Sting vs RVD short match with Sting beating on RVD after the match, Hogan comes to the ring Sting beats on him, Nash/Young in the ring call out Hall/Pac.
1.03 Nash/Young/Hall/Pac talk in the ring, Young vs Pac short match, US Army walk down ramp, Angle talks in the ring.
0.95 Mr. Anderson starts to talk Angle attacks him they brawl to the ring, Bubba/Hogan/Earl Hebner talk backstage, Jarrett and James Storm talk backstage.
0.76 Jarrett vs Beer money 2 on 1 handicap match Foley referee, Hogan/Abyss/Brooke Hogan talk backstage, Hogan/Abyss vs Flair/Styles.
1.01 Q9 Overrun Hogan/Abyss vs Flair/Styles ends, After the match Wolfe, Pope, Hardy come to the ring.
lolz Hulk Hogan aka change the channel