I remember when I met all them tna guys(except booker, kurt and sting bc they wasnt there) here in 2008 at cincinnati, gardens at a house show. Eric was cool thats when he wore that stupid super hero outfit.
I remember curry man too he kept chasing my son around yall know christopher daniels is curry man dont yall
Curry Man is the first thing I saw the first time I ever watched TNA, and a large portion of why I still don't watch TNA today. Whoever thought that shit up should be kicked in the nards, wolfman style.
see ur still holding on to some old ass shit and its fucking up ur view of the product . its come a long way since then and the push of Desmond Wolfe is fuckin sick . dude is a believable main eventer in a matter of weeks and he is in there with angle aj and daniels ths and he looks like he belongs there
d'angelo dinero and motor city machine guns are my other favorite
i aint watchin TNA until hogan starts his job for them. I wanna see if he and bishcoff would help fund them into getting into diff venues every week and not the same damn impact zone that holds 100 people who all look the same.
Hogan suppose to make his tna tv appearence after the superbowl. I watched tna on thursday and they still havent acknowledge bischoff they just said hogan is gonna come in with a mystery person. so it looks like he gonna do a lil more then booking and be in a storyline