Unsolved Mysteries...
Two girls went to Young Lay's baby momma house to visit his new born baby boy. They kidnapped the boy, and burned the house down with the mom inside. I think it was the momma's grandma's house. Fucced up. In the song it goes,"I got nothin' ta smile fo'/ It's a wild world/ They took my baby boy/ Burned my baby mom, release me from this crazy drama, crazy drama/... It was a unsolved mystery cause my mind was in a daze.."-Young Lay I think he says his mind was in a daze, because a little bit before this went down, he was shot in the head and in the back. This dude's fuccin' tight. He has a unique delivery/voice and raps real. PEACE OUT!
Two girls went to Young Lay's baby momma house to visit his new born baby boy. They kidnapped the boy, and burned the house down with the mom inside. I think it was the momma's grandma's house. Fucced up. In the song it goes,"I got nothin' ta smile fo'/ It's a wild world/ They took my baby boy/ Burned my baby mom, release me from this crazy drama, crazy drama/... It was a unsolved mystery cause my mind was in a daze.."-Young Lay I think he says his mind was in a daze, because a little bit before this went down, he was shot in the head and in the back. This dude's fuccin' tight. He has a unique delivery/voice and raps real. PEACE OUT!