These Christian comics scares me

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Dec 18, 2002
Dr. Curien said:
Your wrong and nothing you have said is to be true at all. First off I believe the Bible Top Be True in every aspect. Christians dont fear Science hahaha thats just nonsense. I know a couple christian doctors. And since they are in fact doctors that means they understand science. The only part of science that no one wants to understand is evolutiuon thats a total lie. Man didnt come from apes it is impossible for that to happen. You dont live then die for no reason it doesnt make sense. Throughout history man has tried to conceal the truth and hide the bible and other christian things from others. It is because man knows god exists. Christians were persucuted in Rome and Hitler burned bibles as well did Jim jones and others who know that there is someting out there other then man. It only takes looking out the window to relize God exists and if you cant see it your blind. THats why other religions such as the ultra violent Islam and much hated catholic religion try and defame normal christians just as you are doing now. So I say this I smell fear and its eminating from the very Kryptic Flow you call yourself.

99% of what you said is based on your blind faith in religion, basically, your post was a bunch of useless, non-factual information except for the bible burning. Most of what you said you think is fact because your words come from behind a shell called "religion", maybe your new but im "atheist". Get it? I have better things to do then try to "defame" normal christians like you without the intelligence to argue anything. Your attempt at an intelligent, righteous strike against me failed miserably in the fact that you dont know me and how much i understand your religion as I used to follow "god" too. I have complete understanding that doctors are religious, but doctors are only intelligent in the hospital, its what they go to school for, the world of science is bigger than that, and that is what im referring too, i have a COLLEGE class to go to now little boy so when i return ill shatter the points in your post more thouroughly.
Sep 28, 2002
LOL at "I believe every aspect of the bible to be true" It has been rewritten (changed) like 50 times.

LOL at "evolution is a lie that no one wants to understand man came from apes" If you think evolution says man came from apes you don't understand it. So to call it a lie without comprehension of its basic principals is hypocritical and uneducated.

LOL @ "you don't live then die for no reason it doesn't make sence" And what makes sence to you? Every one is here for a purpose? What is your purpose? Oh you don't know? But your sure their is one? Its sounds to me like you are afraid of the responsability you hold for your own destiny.

LOL @ "God exists if you cant see it your blind" your blinded by your fear of the unknown. If their is a god he operates through science "devine science that contains all the scientific proof we have discovered and all we have yet to learn. He does not operate through incantation prayer or the perogative of jewish tradition and mythology.

LOL. @ you passing 400 level biology classes.
Dec 18, 2002
lol, just got back from class to discover formaldehyde pretty much bent the good doc over and fucked him back to school so he can gather the intelligence to argue points in GOM.
May 16, 2002
Hitler didn't burn no fucking bibles, Hitler was a devoted christian.

Also, there are plenty of reasons to live a good life besides pleasing some imagined omnipresent deity. What you do in your lifetime will affect the lives of those you touched long after you die...that's more than enough of a reason to make the most of your time here by doing good for others, and you don't need to believe in any religion to know that. In fact, all religion really does is attach a bunch of myths and supernatural junk to what's already common sense.

If is a person is so utterly dependant upon your belief in the presence of an omnipresent deity tantalizing people with rewards (or conversly, punishment) in an afterlife that he/she would go as far as to end their life when faced with the idea that it might be all in their head, then quite frankly, they have more problems than I'd care to discuss in this thread.
(If the only thing that's keeping them from turning into an apathetic self-indulgent suicidally depressive angst machine or a full-blown rapist/serial murderer is their religion, then they need professional help beyond anything that I could offer.)

In fact, I should mention that many religious folk exert the same detached "all or nothing" logic. Wherein if they didn't believe in their chosen religion, they'd lapse into apathy/immorality/etc. since they truly believe that without a deity, they'd have no reason to not be a total asshole. Being so utterly dependant upon their religion, they perceive that the only possible alternative would be nihilism, and therefore, they would not be able to function as a person outside of their religion.
Not only is this mode of thinking completely self-centered (in that they can't see that there are already many people who don't believe in religion, and are able to function just fine) but it's also this sort of circular logic that keeps them from ever attempting to critically evaluate their own beliefs in relation to others, keeping them bound to the more implausible aspects of their faith beyond reason.

BTW: Creationists use exactly the same way to argue as holocaust deniers and their arguments make just as much sense.
Jul 24, 2002
Droopy Eye said:
Hitler was a devoted christian.
As much as fuckin Bush is!
This is bullshit, how can you be a devoted Christian by killing people????
Christ said to "love your enemy" not kill your enemy.
A Christian isn't defied by his claims, it's by his actions.
Didn't you read what Jesus said about the good and the bad tree? Obviously not. A good tree will produce good fruit and a bad tree will produce bad fruit.
Hence Hitler and Bush....
Aug 25, 2003
Formaldehyde Rx said:
LOL at "I believe every aspect of the bible to be true" It has been rewritten (changed) like 50 times.

LOL at "evolution is a lie that no one wants to understand man came from apes" If you think evolution says man came from apes you don't understand it. So to call it a lie without comprehension of its basic principals is hypocritical and uneducated.

LOL @ "you don't live then die for no reason it doesn't make sence" And what makes sence to you? Every one is here for a purpose? What is your purpose? Oh you don't know? But your sure their is one? Its sounds to me like you are afraid of the responsability you hold for your own destiny.

LOL @ "God exists if you cant see it your blind" your blinded by your fear of the unknown. If their is a god he operates through science "devine science that contains all the scientific proof we have discovered and all we have yet to learn. He does not operate through incantation prayer or the perogative of jewish tradition and mythology.

LOL. @ you passing 400 level biology classes.

LOL@ You getting a car, and not riding the bus anymore. Go bang on those pots and pans trying to say you have beats to rhyme over. Oh yeah you just want proof and your the one who fears the unknown. Crying about scientific proof about evolution. Evolution is an insult to me. I dint evolve from a fucking monkey maybe you did but I sure as hell didnt.


-Check your itinerary for the earliest bus times.

@ 2-0- Sixx what you riding his nuts or something you fucking cheerleader. You have no business speaking, you didnt even believe in a God because your a coward.

May 13, 2002
Dr. Curien said:
@ 2-0- Sixx what you riding his nuts or something you fucking cheerleader. You have no business speaking, you didnt even believe in a God because your a coward.

Yeah, that's the ticket. I don't believe in god because I'm a coward. LOL

Man, you seriously got tore up by two people and you can't even say shit.

Your a disgrace. Take Mastamind out of your sig.

Let me quote the Unholy himself, "I don't believe in god, so it's odd, that everytime I bust ill shit niggaz scream oh my god"
Sep 28, 2002
Ok Dr. listen man diden't come from monkeys monkeys and man are decended from a common ancstor. get it seperated by hundereds of millions of years. I think maybe you are unable to grasp the concept of such a great expanse of time.

? if evolution does not exist how do bacterium develop immunity to antibiotics? Oh wait I know its the devil.
Sep 4, 2002
First of all No one here can say For sure that they know there is one god or many gods... or to say that we are all put on earth for a one can say for sure that we came from apes or a "god" personally i aint gonna belive nothing until i see the "man" or see whoever or whatever is next after all this... Maybe there will be a siccness website when we die we can all come back and yell at eachother who was right and who was wrong....but until then cant nobody say there is for a fact something out there.
Jul 24, 2002
MrFedEx503 said:
First of all No one here can say For sure that they know there is one god or many gods... or to say that we are all put on earth for a one can say for sure that we came from apes or a "god" personally i aint gonna belive nothing until i see the "man" or see whoever or whatever is next after all this... Maybe there will be a siccness website when we die we can all come back and yell at eachother who was right and who was wrong....but until then cant nobody say there is for a fact something out there.
What if some of us have already seen/experienced the truth?