your name applies u are a Zero Media....? yea how stupid does that sound.
My tag has been Zer0 for more than half of my life and my writing/art is considered "media". So when I'd draw a picture, I'd tag it as Zer0 MediA. Since I'm writing on here, and I consider written word to be a form of media...
How stupid does it sound now, dumb fuck?
same retarded argument gonna be for people who replace s with z's or says fa sho? doesn't matter how shit is spelled. it doesn't have to be proper, doesn't have to mean anything, doesn't have to validate ones actions, doesn't have to do shit but a damn screen name. but on the internet u drunk kiddos try to make something outta nothing in hopes of succeeding.
You're right. People do replace an S with a Z. They use numbers for letters... But you just fucked up the spelling and now you're trying to justify it by quoting a website that defines words
created by the same drunk internet kiddo's you're trying to talk down on.
You spelled the shit incorrectly. It wasn't intentional. Why not just admit it and be done with it.
PS- Even shitfaced drunk, I can point out when you talk out three sides of your fuckin' mouth, toughguy.