a ros bef sando, mac and patater salad, some potater wedges with white chedder cheeze shredded, with some heinz 57 sauce dippage and pesto dippage,
ansd dessart it rasbury and brie pastri bytes with milk and caramel yogurt right b4 bed tonight. sghit im almusta full. oh yea a 2 liter of water don t fergut that shit now.
a ros bef sando, mac and patater salad, some potater wedges with white chedder cheeze shredded, with some heinz 57 sauce dippage and pesto dippage,
ansd dessart it rasbury and brie pastri bytes with milk and caramel yogurt right b4 bed tonight. sghit im almusta full. oh yea a 2 liter of water don t fergut that shit now.