The What You Drinking Now Thread

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Feb 14, 2004
Well tonite, I only bought two 40's. I'm almost done with the 2nd. so yea. I have jury duty Thursday morning again, so I don't want to get too fucked up tonite and wake up hella late tomarrow and not wake up for the jury duty. I NEED to make it to this last jury duty, otherwise I won't collect my 75 bucks! This is the last jury duty for me until next year, so I'll just wait until Thursday night to get blacked out, and of course the rest of the weekend.
Feb 14, 2004
Nah it doesn't suck at all. I'm having a good time right now. So it's all good. I'll just be sober as a bird Wednesday night and be drunk Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night, and so on! I'm a free man(from this jury duty shit) after this Thursday. lol