I'm suprised you don't have a plat already for Fallout 3 since you finished it, its very easy you can do it on one playthrough. Simply make a savepoint before each level up 7/14/20 and shift your karma to what you need Evil/Neutral/Good each time then reload. Every other trophy comes quickly with just completing all the missions.
You probably already know that but just saying..its the only Plat I got (I think) and it was so easy.
I'm suprised you don't have a plat already for Fallout 3 since you finished it, its very easy you can do it on one playthrough. Simply make a savepoint before each level up 7/14/20 and shift your karma to what you need Evil/Neutral/Good each time then reload. Every other trophy comes quickly with just completing all the missions.
You probably already know that but just saying..its the only Plat I got (I think) and it was so easy.
marvel ultimate alliance i knw shits old.lol but not for me!
Ive been playing marvel ultimate alliance 1 for the 360 tht shit got me hooked i just beat the game on hard mode and got some achievements now im playing it again to unlock silver surfer liget not by cheat or the achievement wont work.but the only way to do that is by finding all these disc's of each marvel character which are located in some levels basically they is a mini story mission of there comic book tht need to be beat..i cant be leave this game was collecting dust..lol