Wow MasZive, you've never repeated the same bullshit that gets blurted out by the minds of the uneducated so perfectly.
It's kats like you who just deny, deny, deny everything. Even if we found nukes over there with Sadaam's autograph on it and pictures of him ridin' it like a bull, you kats would just blame it on America and turn it around about how they wouldn't need nukes if we weren't such bullies.
I can tell the difference between the people who truly oppose this war for reasons that they themselves have formulated, and the people who just spurt the same rhetoric they hear on TV. In this case, it's the latter.
if some dude has a truckful of brown paper sacks full of doodoo(ready to be set on fire and tossed at you no doubt!) and he pulls up and says to you "hey...i see you are filling that small box of paper bags with doodoo. what are you going to do with them? i'm afraid you might use it to hurt myself or others. you can't do such a thing because having those bag full of doodoo might hurt other people. please throw all the bags away"
Yeah, flaming sacks of shit and Anthrax laced nuclear bombs are just about the same... It's not illegal to own bags of shit. Odd, but not illegal. Look at it this way, we can't even own automatic weapons in this country, but we're supposed to let nuclear weapons in the hands of a money hungry regime slide? I don't think so.
This problem would have been taken care of already, and you people wouldn't be so complacent if we hadn't had 8 years of a hallow suit in power. Only thing he did was send our soldiers to die in Somalia over nothing.... Now nobody seems to have a problem with THAT do they? Why? Because half of you don't even know what I'm talking about. Nobody gave a shit what he was doing and you have no idea the bullshit he had our soldiers go through just to cover his ass.
Bush would've been blamed if there were some type of shit to happen to the U.S. again, but was he blamed the first time?
ACTUALLY, Clinton is blamed because he KNEW of the threat that Bin Laden posed to us and chose to IGNORE it. He was even OFFERED Bin Laden by (I believe) the Pakistan government who HAD him at one point. We weren't interested obviously. You guys wanna blame someone for 9/11 and for THIS war? Blame Clinton. Great, he sat around and made ladies happy.... He forgot about our national defence unless he was defending himself from impeachment, and as usual, he failed.
"When we do take over" in which way are "We" meaning people that make under 30,000 a year, going to be benefited. It's all about fucking MONEY!!! And the same goes for fucking with N. Korea, what the fuck are we going to get out of fucking with them.
It's much better to make 30,000 a year and be healthy than to make nothing and be dead. I gaurantee the people in towers 1 and 2 would have traded their 75,000 a year jobs if they had to trade it for their lives.
(Ouch.... that was a good one)
And Heat, I can agree with you completely on everything that you had to say because it is beautiful how assholes like me and you can live side by side. That is something that people take forgranted, and I am with you on that and everything else, but what about the little people...? When do we start to see results that affects our way of living, not expecting a box with a million dollars to show up on my doorstep because of my fucked up childhood, but we have bigger, well I take that back, "Better" things to worry about than trying to Fuck with N. Korea....
I didn't know Heat and myself were millionaires. Well I can't speak for Heat, but I bring home like 250 a week if I'm lucky. If I had the chance, I'd pay YOUR taxes on this war just to hear you stop complaining about money anyhow. And besides, you're arguing two opposing points.
You say this is about MONEY, but then you're all "Where's MY money". Well if this is about money and oil, like you say, then when the government stops paying so much for oil, you'll reap those benifits. Taxes drop, and you won't pay 2 bucks for a gallon of gas. Pick a side
THe fact we have lost over 3000 On Sept 11 is not lost on me but in the war in the name of the usa and all IN Nam over 58,000 people in Japan over 4million, Cambodia 10.000 people and i could go on so in the USA name over 4million people have lost their lives in the name of Democry and most are still not. and we have lost 3000.
And that's why we're the best and most prosperous country in the world. We give a fuck about those 3000 when in the same day Sadaam might have chem'd 3000 of his own people. We take care and protect our people because that the presidents fuckin JOB. He's doin' his JOB and following the oath that he took when he was elected, and we got kats givin' him a hard time... It's like walkin' into a McDonalds and protesting the making of Freedom Fries.
LoL.. Freedom fries.
And on the soldier tip. Those people sign on the dotted line to become KILLERS. It's THEIR job. You don't go into the army or Marines to plant flowers! You get paid, you get schooled and you get all the benifits that come with being in the armed forces to PUT YOUR LIFE ON THE LINE SHOULD THE TIME COME. It's not like these people are there to stand in straight lines and riverdance.
Hey Lejo... Werd.