The War

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Aug 18, 2002
methane aint chemical warfare that saddam has...

doo doo aint anywhere near the same..

& yes, diplomacy is the only way to handle n korea.. although they fuckin hate us.. so who fuckin knows.. i mean, HATE.
Oct 24, 2002
We are tryin to help the Iraqi people. I would rather us go over there then Sadam send something over here.

And ya drew hes doin it for more reasons. But bottom line I support the Troops and MY FREEDOM!

And to the Dickcheese 2-0-Sixx heres a pic for ya.

Those damn americans! haha
Aug 21, 2002
Heat, homie, I should've known that out of all people you would've been the one to have voted for Bushwacker, but I take back what I said earlier, because no one expects this shit to happen, and I would've voted for the bastard too, but glad I didn't... So they shouldn't be hanged, but the people that are planning on voting for him again should be sat in a locked closet and forced to watch the "Fact's of Life" first two seasons and the "Superbowl Shuffle" non-stop until they perish!

I understand a majority of what's going on here homie, but I really didn't speak too much on the war, just how I feel about Bush, and you are right, Bush would've been blamed if there were some type of shit to happen to the U.S. again, but was he blamed the first time? There is no absolute way for him to prevent this from happening again, and the thing that is fucking with me is after this is all said and done, "When we do take over" in which way are "We" meaning people that make under 30,000 a year, going to be benefited. It's all about fucking MONEY!!! And the same goes for fucking with N. Korea, what the fuck are we going to get out of fucking with them. Just because Clinton bombed Iraq without US sanction doesn't justify him doing it on possibly two occasions... And Heat, I can agree with you completely on everything that you had to say because it is beutiful how assholes like me and you can live side by side. That is something that people take forgranted, and I am with you on that and everything else, but what about the little people...? When do we start to see results that affects our way of living, not expecting a box with a million dollars to show up on my doorstep because of my fucked up childhood, but we have bigger, well I take that back, "Better" things to worry about than trying to Fuck with N. Korea.... Waste money and that's it? I am on the side of the people that are slaves to this country and I know that nothing is going to drastically change, but something has to shake here...
Jan 12, 2003
# one my sister just got sent over there. I support the troops our "young" people over there whos giving there life and risking there lives for a war. I do not support the reasons were in this war its not a fact drivin war and the reasons they give are bullshit. THe fact we have lost over 3000 On Sept 11 is not lost on me but in the war in the name of the usa and all IN Nam over 58,000 people in Japan over 4million, Cambodia 10.000 people and i could go on so in the USA name over 4million people have lost their lives in the name of Democry and most are still not. and we have lost 3000.

In my mind we are fighting the wrong bullly. Like were on the play ground and decide to fight the little brother cause he has the candy. "OIL" and hope the big brother does not jump in. and the fact we did nothing to stop the act when we had so much information. So i believe they would give up 3000 people for billions of dollars worth of oil? Just my thoughts. Cause if you think the USA is not capable of that you got you head up your ass. Just a thought

Oh and by the way the people who we vote for and who voted on this war out of alll our REPS and SEN only one person has a son in the Armend Forces So when those old muther fuckers like BusH Send his daughters Colin Powell and are House of Reps and SEn send there kids to war and grand kids to war then i will get behind this thing. So me I:m just praying for my sister cause they dont give a damn about her.

Oh and by the way over 50% of Familiy in the Armed Forces live under the provery line are on food stamps and public ass. And they send them to die for a country that wont give them money to live a good life. That just my ASSsentment.
Jul 7, 2002
4ever......I thank your sister for putting herself in harms way.

I do not feel this war is about oil or puppet governments.....I do feel it is the first step in many that will help clean up this world and make it safe for my future children.

Oh yeah...and for the record......I guess my head is far up my ass because I really believe this is about national security and not oil.

I am not sure I agree with your statement about the military pay either.....many of the soldiers do make little money but are also offered many "perks" to balance it out. There is military housing and shopping facilities (which are tax free), there is great medical coverage, good pention plans, not to mention very good job security.

I am done though...this debate can drag on forever....if somebody gets me going again though I might be led to another post or

Signing off....that guy with alot of shit on his
Oct 27, 2002
saddams own people hate him for fuck sake thats how much of a asshole he is . this entire war is to send his evil ass to hell or eternal pain whichever because he doesnt value human lives and he has the power to put many at risk . Bush aint evil , You should be thanking bush because if he didnt start this war then Saddam Hussein might surprise attack the US and kill a lot more people. Maybe even a member of your family. Iraq is such a primitve country they need US support to even survive ... half there population gets food AND water from bush ... Not all saddams people support him , but obiously some do!!

now im gonna get dissed hard!!!

but fuck it im just stating what i beleive in!!!
Nov 14, 2002
Wow MasZive, you've never repeated the same bullshit that gets blurted out by the minds of the uneducated so perfectly.

It's kats like you who just deny, deny, deny everything. Even if we found nukes over there with Sadaam's autograph on it and pictures of him ridin' it like a bull, you kats would just blame it on America and turn it around about how they wouldn't need nukes if we weren't such bullies.

I can tell the difference between the people who truly oppose this war for reasons that they themselves have formulated, and the people who just spurt the same rhetoric they hear on TV. In this case, it's the latter.

if some dude has a truckful of brown paper sacks full of doodoo(ready to be set on fire and tossed at you no doubt!) and he pulls up and says to you "hey...i see you are filling that small box of paper bags with doodoo. what are you going to do with them? i'm afraid you might use it to hurt myself or others. you can't do such a thing because having those bag full of doodoo might hurt other people. please throw all the bags away"
Yeah, flaming sacks of shit and Anthrax laced nuclear bombs are just about the same... It's not illegal to own bags of shit. Odd, but not illegal. Look at it this way, we can't even own automatic weapons in this country, but we're supposed to let nuclear weapons in the hands of a money hungry regime slide? I don't think so.

This problem would have been taken care of already, and you people wouldn't be so complacent if we hadn't had 8 years of a hallow suit in power. Only thing he did was send our soldiers to die in Somalia over nothing.... Now nobody seems to have a problem with THAT do they? Why? Because half of you don't even know what I'm talking about. Nobody gave a shit what he was doing and you have no idea the bullshit he had our soldiers go through just to cover his ass.

Bush would've been blamed if there were some type of shit to happen to the U.S. again, but was he blamed the first time?
ACTUALLY, Clinton is blamed because he KNEW of the threat that Bin Laden posed to us and chose to IGNORE it. He was even OFFERED Bin Laden by (I believe) the Pakistan government who HAD him at one point. We weren't interested obviously. You guys wanna blame someone for 9/11 and for THIS war? Blame Clinton. Great, he sat around and made ladies happy.... He forgot about our national defence unless he was defending himself from impeachment, and as usual, he failed.

"When we do take over" in which way are "We" meaning people that make under 30,000 a year, going to be benefited. It's all about fucking MONEY!!! And the same goes for fucking with N. Korea, what the fuck are we going to get out of fucking with them.
It's much better to make 30,000 a year and be healthy than to make nothing and be dead. I gaurantee the people in towers 1 and 2 would have traded their 75,000 a year jobs if they had to trade it for their lives.

(Ouch.... that was a good one)

And Heat, I can agree with you completely on everything that you had to say because it is beautiful how assholes like me and you can live side by side. That is something that people take forgranted, and I am with you on that and everything else, but what about the little people...? When do we start to see results that affects our way of living, not expecting a box with a million dollars to show up on my doorstep because of my fucked up childhood, but we have bigger, well I take that back, "Better" things to worry about than trying to Fuck with N. Korea....
I didn't know Heat and myself were millionaires. Well I can't speak for Heat, but I bring home like 250 a week if I'm lucky. If I had the chance, I'd pay YOUR taxes on this war just to hear you stop complaining about money anyhow. And besides, you're arguing two opposing points.

You say this is about MONEY, but then you're all "Where's MY money". Well if this is about money and oil, like you say, then when the government stops paying so much for oil, you'll reap those benifits. Taxes drop, and you won't pay 2 bucks for a gallon of gas. Pick a side MasZive.

THe fact we have lost over 3000 On Sept 11 is not lost on me but in the war in the name of the usa and all IN Nam over 58,000 people in Japan over 4million, Cambodia 10.000 people and i could go on so in the USA name over 4million people have lost their lives in the name of Democry and most are still not. and we have lost 3000.
And that's why we're the best and most prosperous country in the world. We give a fuck about those 3000 when in the same day Sadaam might have chem'd 3000 of his own people. We take care and protect our people because that the presidents fuckin JOB. He's doin' his JOB and following the oath that he took when he was elected, and we got kats givin' him a hard time... It's like walkin' into a McDonalds and protesting the making of Freedom Fries.

LoL.. Freedom fries.

And on the soldier tip. Those people sign on the dotted line to become KILLERS. It's THEIR job. You don't go into the army or Marines to plant flowers! You get paid, you get schooled and you get all the benifits that come with being in the armed forces to PUT YOUR LIFE ON THE LINE SHOULD THE TIME COME. It's not like these people are there to stand in straight lines and riverdance.

Hey Lejo... Werd.
Aug 21, 2002
Actually, ZER0....

I have taken a side here, and I never said "Where's my money!!!!" I already stated that I dont expect a million dollars to pop up on my doorstep, its not even about me or money in my pocket, it's about....
Better things to "WASTE" money on in "OUR" country!" I care enough to say, What about funding education, what about about helping the less fortunate. I am not saying that because I am far from struggling from what I can see, but lets look at the real, what's wrong with our country????????
How stupid would I sound expecting something out of this fuckin' country. If anything, this country expects more out the small people then they expect out of it... So to clear up that comment about "If we found Nukes over there with Saddams autograph on it!"... Now that we know that Bush stole the fuckin' election and I feel as though if it were anyone else, there would've been a recount immediately, and knowing that this war "IS" over money, that wont benefit the fuckin' people fighting for this country, and since they do have the candy on the playground we have decided to start a fight with him, which to me is 90% "REVENGE" why wouldn't you expect Bush to have some shit planted. He hasn't proven me any better... And like 4everreign said, the over 50% percentage rate of the people in the war under the poverty line, but is fighting for this country that could give two shits about them before and after this war or anyother war! And that's EXACTLY how I feel about it too!!!
This is how they swindle people into being in the Army and Navy anyway's...
They throw soooo much money at you in these damned commercials knowing that it is....... Too good to be true, but it sounds good, plus it is directed at the people that are in poverty trying to get an education with that money, and still they dont give a fuck about you anyways, and as soon as the war starts, they ship your asses and then you are over there with chemical poisoning and all mentally fahqed up!!! When you get back here, they then turn their backs on you and toss you a medical card for the VA Hospital and you take trips back there every two days trying to heal mentally and physically until you perish and this country hasn't lost a dime... So uhhhhhh..... "Money over a human life basically...."

On me saying that Bush would've been blamed. I meant wouldn't have, that was a typo homeboy, and I didn't notice it until you said something about it. I would ever point a finger at Bush nor Clinton on that note, we never saw it coming and really dont see another one coming.

And the people in Towers 1 & 2 wouldn't have traded their lives because they wouldn't be sent, YEAH, IT'S EASY TO SAY YOU WILL DO ANYTHING WHEN DEEP DOWN INSIDE YOU KNOW YOU DONT HAVE TOO, OR THE CHANCES ARE SLIM, because they are the people that keeps "Money" up were to them it's supposed to be! And since po' folks cant spare this country a dime, Hell send them... Who gives a shit anways....


And come on homie on the uneducated part... That was a low blow to the wrong American dude, no matter what, if I did make millions, I wouldn't forget where I came from, and for someone that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth :ahem: "BUSH"... And someones Father that avoided the war years ago :ahem: Bush Sr. they cant make decisions that benefit this whole country... They only worry about keeping the "RICH Conservative Bastards Rich!!!" And I dont deny anything too much because I "expect" nothing, I see that I care more for funding education and shit that matters than most of these fuckin' nimwits. People need to look at the big picture, whats going on here??????? There are budget cuts nationwide in education, but no one seems to care shit about that, I am graduating college soon and that doesn't affect me one bit, but I have much respect for people that are teching their asses off for 25,000 dollars a year, and still supporting funding for this war, but at the same time, I wonder how blind are they???? It aint benefiting them any, and they are in the same boat as I am in, but fail to realize they supposrt funding the wrong *ish!!! They are broke too damnit...
Jul 7, 2002
MasZive said:

Come on college boy...I thought you knew better than that. Either LU has a horrible business dept. or you skipped the day they talked about inflation.

Just fucking with ya Chuck.
Aug 21, 2002
Fuck inflation, inflate funding for edumacation. And LU does have a horrid Business Dept... Ha, ha.... So dude fuck all this debating, how's the TTD's sales coming PM me or something...
Nov 14, 2002
I just spent like an hour and a half typing a reply, and knowing that Windows sucks balls, I even copied to make sure I didn't lose anything just in case....

Fuckin' powerstrip's under my desk... My foot hit it. What a waste of god damn time. Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck. Fuck.


Point is, the budgets for education and all the programs you'd like to fund are already set. If you're so worried about education and helping poor people, then tell all the immigrants around to stop pumping out kids and collecting more and more welfare. If you want to fix the government, learn more about it and what it costs in every aspect. Just because there's a war, all of a sudden you're concerned about budgets and costs?

Problem is, the people in government have to keep their mouths closed all the time because they can't offend anyone. Simple fact is, the second you want to clean up welfare you are labeled a "racist". If you don't throw more money at education every year, then you're not thinking hard enough about the future and you're bad for the children. The government funds programs that are bullshit ALLLLL over the world. Hell, try to stop sending money (millions and billions and trillions of dollars) to foreign countries and THEN see what terrorism is like. You worried about cash? Cut the fat, not national defense.
Aug 21, 2002
I understand that and all... But, there is always a "but" to everything... I know how it is funded, but just because it has its own separate funding, doesn't mean they cant help. There are tons of programs and organizations that are funded and aint worth shit, but I guess I have to say, nothings ever going to favor everyone in this country ever, or going to "CHANGE" either!!! Fuck em' EVERYONE FOR THEMSELVES!!!! Is how I see it...

Good thing your computer shut off, Ha, ha... I guess I had it coming...
Nov 14, 2002
Bah.... My stress level isn't low enough. I will mention that the punk version of "Gin and Juice" is pretty funny though. So is the bluegrass version by ReHab.
Aug 26, 2002
Zer0.MediA said:
Cut the fat, not national defense.
of topic from the war, but....

i'm always one in favor of throwing money at education. a proper education is the ultimate solution to most of societies ills, including social welfare, violence, etc.

but you're right. instead of expecting taxpayers to foot the bill more and more for education, S.S., and welfare (for the non-abusers) every year we need to cut the fat

i just heard about a city in CA where the mayor is paying millions (or was it a million?) in taxpayer money to buy 3 golden monkeys so the public can RENT them for good luck. hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Nov 14, 2002
identity-x said:

of topic from the war, but....

i'm always one in favor of throwing money at education. a proper education is the ultimate solution to most of societies ills, including social welfare, violence, etc.

but you're right. instead of expecting taxpayers to foot the bill more and more for education, S.S., and welfare (for the non-abusers) every year we need to cut the fat

i just heard about a city in CA where the mayor is paying millions (or was it a million?) in taxpayer money to buy 3 golden monkeys so the public can RENT them for good luck. hmmmmmmmmmmmm

At least they're trying something new.
