The Thing That Seperates Christianity From Other Religions...

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Apr 1, 2004
Is fulfilled prophecy, plain and simple. No other religion or diety has accurately mapped out the entire course of human civilization thousands of years in advance.

The Bible has.

But don't take my word for it. Look at the fulfilled prophecies yourself, and then using the law of compound probability, do some simple math and see for youself what the odds are of those prophecies coming true. You'll find that the odds are trillions to one, which means the Bible was written by God, not man.

You Atheists must hate the law of compound probability. It makes you look like the half-wit godless knuckle-dragging neanderthals you really are.


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
what exactly has it accurately predicted? it's predictions are so vague that the events that fullfil the so-called prophecies can be anything
Apr 1, 2004
shep said:
what exactly has it accurately predicted? it's predictions are so vague that the events that fullfil the so-called prophecies can be anything

It has very clearly predicated that the Jews would be scattered amongst the nations throughout most of recorded history, and that eventually, they would return to their homeland. The nation of Israel was created in 1948, some four thousand years after the initial prophecies. The mathematical probability of that alone is astronomical. The fact that Israel exists today is a miracle. And that is just one of literally dozens of fulfilled prophecies.
May 13, 2002
That's it? That's the amazing prophecy? Jews were scattered amongst the nations? WOW. You sold me. I am no longer Atheist. What amazing proof. Who would have ever thought that a race would migrate outside of their homeland? That is fucking amazing.
Apr 1, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
That's it? That's the amazing prophecy? Jews were scattered amongst the nations? WOW. You sold me. I am no longer Atheist. What amazing proof. Who would have ever thought that a race would migrate outside of their homeland? That is fucking amazing.
Migrate? Sadly, your grasp of history is as flimsy as your grasp of theology.

The Jews didn't migrate, they were conquered, enslaved, and brought many times to the brink of complete annihilation, right up through the 20th century. Unlike other cultures, the Jews did not assimilate into the peoples that conquered them. They remained a unique people, and, just as God promised thousands of years ago, got their own nation. And the fact that they exist not only as a culture but as a NATION, despite thousands of years worth of other people trying to wipe them off the face of the fucking planet, IS AMAZING. Open your eyes.
Dec 13, 2003
still waiting on this proof of yours. granted im not an atheist...but i dont believe the teachings/opinions of man/bible. your reasoning is a vague as the bible. what good are prophecies if they are "predicted" after the fact? with all the could the bible be written by god? is this all you have...or are you tryin to save the big doozi on these "athiest half-wit godless knuckle-dragging neanderthals". i hope you got more ammo..because you certainly havent proven a thing with your advanced knowlege of biblical rhetoric.

all this my religion is better than yours nonsense is slowly etching my patience away.
Jul 7, 2002
Rectal Prolapse said:
Migrate? Sadly, your grasp of history is as flimsy as your grasp of theology.

The Jews didn't migrate, they were conquered, enslaved, and brought many times to the brink of complete annihilation, right up through the 20th century. Unlike other cultures, the Jews did not assimilate into the peoples that conquered them. They remained a unique people, and, just as God promised thousands of years ago, got their own nation. And the fact that they exist not only as a culture but as a NATION, despite thousands of years worth of other people trying to wipe them off the face of the fucking planet, IS AMAZING. Open your eyes.
is your god also killing the muslims by jews in tanks, helicopters? taking there homes away, their land.

started a war to estashblish israel, only to get into this never ending mess, is your god responable for that too?

the jews have survived for so long becuase of there religion beliefs, have you ever read about judaism? no wonder why they been so intacted for all this years. u can say thats what seprates judaism from other religions.
Jul 7, 2002
Rectal Prolapse said:
Is fulfilled prophecy, plain and simple. No other religion or diety has accurately mapped out the entire course of human civilization thousands of years in advance.

The Bible has.

But don't take my word for it. Look at the fulfilled prophecies yourself, and then using the law of compound probability, do some simple math and see for youself what the odds are of those prophecies coming true. You'll find that the odds are trillions to one, which means the Bible was written by God, not man.

You Atheists must hate the law of compound probability. It makes you look like the half-wit godless knuckle-dragging neanderthals you really are.
lol if i do some simple math uh?


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
Rectal Prolapse said:
Migrate? Sadly, your grasp of history is as flimsy as your grasp of theology.

The Jews didn't migrate, they were conquered, enslaved, and brought many times to the brink of complete annihilation, right up through the 20th century. Unlike other cultures, the Jews did not assimilate into the peoples that conquered them. They remained a unique people, and, just as God promised thousands of years ago, got their own nation. And the fact that they exist not only as a culture but as a NATION, despite thousands of years worth of other people trying to wipe them off the face of the fucking planet, IS AMAZING. Open your eyes.

yeah, cause the jews all around the world, even america, are their own individual people who don't assimilate to modern cultures at all.... :dead:

you want a culture that doesn't assimilate look at the pennsylvania dutch, the amish... those are people who aren't assimilating dumbass
Jul 24, 2002
I posted info on this about a year ago.
If ya'll really want to know what the prophecies are and what's been fulfilled, read up on the Dead Sea scrolls.

And no Shep, not all the prophecies are vague.
Find out yourself, the Truth is stranger than fiction....

Prophecies aside,
the biggest difference lies in "philosophy" Rectal....
People will believe what they want to believe but the biggest difference between Jesus' philosophy and every other religion is His emphasis in love.
What other religion tells you to love thy enemy?


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
i know im a knuckle-dragging, mindless, Jew-lover, but what EXACTLY is this law? is it a mathematical equation, plz clear it up to me so i have some real proof the bible was written by God.
May 13, 2002
Nah Miggidy, I'm not about to waste hours and hours researching some prophies that may or may have not occuried. Since you and Rectal Dysfunction are the experts, why don't you two point them out for us neanderthals? Oh wait, neanderthals never existed, did they? :dead: :dead: :dead:
Jul 24, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Nah Miggidy, I'm not about to waste hours and hours researching some prophies that may or may have not occuried. Since you and Rectal Dysfunction are the experts, why don't you two point them out for us neanderthals? Oh wait, neanderthals never existed, did they? :dead: :dead: :dead:
I gave you the specifics before 2-0.

As for Neanderthals, they are not just apes like your teacher suggests.
How about looking for the many missing links in human evolution?
Oh, that's why they call them missing links huh? LMAO!
Oct 31, 2002
I'm a Christian, but your argument has flaws. I can't say that I know the Bible inside and out, but I've attended church and church related classes all my life. The flaw of your argument is Nostradamus. Most of his “predictions” where as vague as most in the Bible and are a matter of how you perceive them. But, some of his predictions contain names of people and places. He predicted the rise of Hitler and several times mentioned him by the name of Histler. Does this mean Nostradamus was a prophet from God? If so why aren’t his prophecies included in any of the teachings of my childhood?
May 13, 2002
miggidy said:
I gave you the specifics before 2-0.

As for Neanderthals, they are not just apes like your teacher suggests.
How about looking for the many missing links in human evolution?
Oh, that's why they call them missing links huh? LMAO!
Who ever said Neanderthals were apes? lol, you were sleeping in science class weren't you?

Are you aware that scientists were able to extract DNA from Neanderthal bones and compared it to humans DNA?

There is no longer any missing links. There was, until the discovery of DNA. Now that we understand DNA, we know Evolution is fact. In case you are unaware, DNA is inherited and therefore contains a record of evolution.
May 13, 2002
Jrock said:
I'm a Christian, but your argument has flaws. I can't say that I know the Bible inside and out, but I've attended church and church related classes all my life. The flaw of your argument is Nostradamus. Most of his “predictions” where as vague as most in the Bible and are a matter of how you perceive them. But, some of his predictions contain names of people and places. He predicted the rise of Hitler and several times mentioned him by the name of Histler. Does this mean Nostradamus was a prophet from God? If so why aren’t his prophecies included in any of the teachings of my childhood?
I just want to point out that Nostradamus NEVER spoke any names. He did not say "Histler", he said "Hister" which is not a name, it is a word which was more commonly used in his day.


Mimic \Mim"ic\, Mimical \Mim"ic*al\, a. [L. mimicus, Gr. ?, fr. ? mime: cf. F. mimique. See Mime.] 1. Imitative; mimetic.

Oft, in her absence, mimic fancy wakes To imitate her. --Milton.

Man is, of all creatures, the most mimical. --W. Wotton.

2. Consisting of, or formed by, imitation; imitated; as, mimic gestures. ``Mimic hootings.'' --Wordsworth.

3. (Min.) Imitative; characterized by resemblance to other forms; -- applied to crystals which by twinning resemble simple forms of a higher grade of symmetry.

Note: Mimic often implies something droll or ludicrous, and is less dignified than imitative.