My thoughts...
This board has turned to shit in recent months and the same people that complain about everyone fighting, are the ones doing it.
If a newcomer to the board asks a simple question they are smarted off, it has gotten quiet ridiclous.
Embrace new Tech fans, so they can spread the word about Tech too.That is what this message board is all about. Instead you all scare them off, or piss them off. But pissing people off is what you aim to do isn't it? Everyone loves an irrited persons response.
This could be a great message board to speak about the happenings of Strange Music and their affiliates, instead numerous people don't post here anymore like IcyRoc, like Brotha Lynch Hung, The Weirdo to name a few. None of them come here anymore because of every post turning into a childish internet fight. Now it is to the point that Tech N9ne himself has to take time out of his schedule to set some of his "FANS" strait for talking shit on him.
FAQs will be posted, If a thread gets out of hand, it will either be closed or deleted by the moderators. I guess I am going to have to spend more time on the board and less time on other projects....
Also on a personal note, JLMACN if you don't know me, don't talk shit about me. I will be as "wide-mouthed" (as you stated) as I want to be, especially if I am speaking the truth, weather I am standing 2 feet from someone or thousands of miles away. I have beef with no one I am a real easy going guy, I just didn't like the way someone handled a certain situation and I spoke on it, when a similar topic was brought up.
I have recieved dozens gripe emails from some descent folks, complaining about the state of the message board,and it seems the same names are mentioned in every email, that is why I am making this post. "Thank you" to those that emailed me.
If you have any other reasonable suggestions to make this board a better more informative place for fans of Strange Music feel free to email either me [email protected] or "techn9nehq" [email protected]
This board has turned to shit in recent months and the same people that complain about everyone fighting, are the ones doing it.
If a newcomer to the board asks a simple question they are smarted off, it has gotten quiet ridiclous.
Embrace new Tech fans, so they can spread the word about Tech too.That is what this message board is all about. Instead you all scare them off, or piss them off. But pissing people off is what you aim to do isn't it? Everyone loves an irrited persons response.
This could be a great message board to speak about the happenings of Strange Music and their affiliates, instead numerous people don't post here anymore like IcyRoc, like Brotha Lynch Hung, The Weirdo to name a few. None of them come here anymore because of every post turning into a childish internet fight. Now it is to the point that Tech N9ne himself has to take time out of his schedule to set some of his "FANS" strait for talking shit on him.
FAQs will be posted, If a thread gets out of hand, it will either be closed or deleted by the moderators. I guess I am going to have to spend more time on the board and less time on other projects....
Also on a personal note, JLMACN if you don't know me, don't talk shit about me. I will be as "wide-mouthed" (as you stated) as I want to be, especially if I am speaking the truth, weather I am standing 2 feet from someone or thousands of miles away. I have beef with no one I am a real easy going guy, I just didn't like the way someone handled a certain situation and I spoke on it, when a similar topic was brought up.
I have recieved dozens gripe emails from some descent folks, complaining about the state of the message board,and it seems the same names are mentioned in every email, that is why I am making this post. "Thank you" to those that emailed me.
If you have any other reasonable suggestions to make this board a better more informative place for fans of Strange Music feel free to email either me [email protected] or "techn9nehq" [email protected]