First of all Tafort, I still haven't let your punk ass off the leash so keep your small IQ'd comments to yourself before you make yourself look as stupid as you are.
And Drew, you didn't hook me up with anything I couldn't get anyhow, and if when I got shit off you and didn't like it, the only thing you could say is "WHy you gotta hate so much" as if I have to like everything Tech has ever created. And no, I don't have any loyalty to you because I've known you to be a punk from the first time you got on my case because I wasn't clingin to Tech's nuts as hard as you. I have loyalty to the people who matter to me. And you don't matter. The only thing you do is host files, which I have no interest in. I can cop the shit you got off Irc or Kazaa any day, and have already done so.
You've been sittin' around scratchin' your ass waitin' for a reason to get on my case. If you're so fuckin' polite, and you're so into people mindin' their own business then why can't you just keep your head up your ass and mind yours? What are you offended because you're just another dick ridin' wannabe gangsta? Well if you're not then stay the fuck out of my business.
And yeah "nobody cares about the east coast"... LoL. Grow up you fuckin' idiot. Every word you type is another reason for everyone to see you as the asshole you are. Punks like you started with me when I first got here because I'm from NY, now I got kats more important than you coming to VISIT me in Ny...
Take your coast bullshit somewhere else. You're a load your mom should have swallowed.