Mcleanhatch said:
maybe u dint do harm to any1 else, but not all people react the same. alote of others could reek havok
Yea, cuz we all know how those Hempfests always end up in violent eruptions.
C'mon now...weed makes people LESS violent and way more calm. There would be no havok.
But I actually dont think weed should be legalized. Because, like you said, a major source of income would be lost for people who need it...and they'd probably turn to more dangerous shit like selling crack. Plus, the market would probably get flooded with factory produced bullshit...making it harder to get quality weed. I think they should just eliminate jail time for marijuana offenses. They should just confiscate personal stashes and give fines for possession with intent to sell, and leave it at that. That way it would still be illegal, so the market would probably stay pretty much the same...but the actual consequences wouldnt be all fucked up like they are now.