You could have just said that and that would have sufficed, since that is what it REALLY comes down to...being entertained.
Not really because I wouldn't be so passionate about how much I hate this movie if I was simply not entertained. That is why I took the time to point out how many things I found bad about the movie, because it was more than just not being entertained. There are plenty of movies out there that just don't do it for me, but I can respect because they are well made or have other intrinsic value.
If there weren't so many people that passionately pushed this movie as "classic" and other outlandish statements about it's quality I wouldn't feel like I have to take such a stand.
Someone's gotta look out for people. If one person that sees this movie and doesn't like it and remembers back and says to themselves "Damn mad people on the siccness jocked this movie, but CB was right" that's enough for me. Even better if I can prevent someone from wasting a few hours of their life the way I did taking someone's opinion on this shit movie.
I'm ok being the lone wolf on this one.