Amen. I pissed him off on LIVE because he said he was going to play Gears on co-op with me, and I joked around about him having a hard on for HALO:Reach, he lost his mind in the short 20 second window they give you to talk, then proceeded to write me on Facebook telling me how bad my life sucks and that I am a terrible person.
I won't give him the satisfaction to answer back to it.
"If you can't hear this from your best friend, then fuck you."
Dude, he brought up something from five years ago that I never knew irked him, then justified his sideways talk by using the above quoted sentence.
When did best friends resort to violently screaming into a mic and judging someone else's life?
I don't have time to argue with the dude over who's life is better or worse and who's become more successful. The bottom line is he is more MONETARILY successful, whereas I have enough to get me by, but for lack of a better term, I'm "rich" with great family and friends.
Sorry for airing this out on here. I guess that's something I should work on, too. :/
I just know if I don't get out my frustration, I'm gonna say something that will put the nail in the coffin, and it's hard for me to justify killing a friendship that has been nearly a lifetime in the making.