i think he just as good as anyone else in the company and can work noticed how he been wrestling two matches at the last two ppvs. Dolph stepped his shit up to the next level. he has the whole package to be a successful champion he has the body, mic skills and technical ring work. He has the physical appearence like billy gun did in his mr azz days not to metion he sells moves like curt henning did back in the 90s. That match he has with sin cara where he was selling reminded me of henning so bad. He even brought prestige back to that U.S Title so if he does drop it to mason ryan or zack ryder it would mean more. Dolph is a Raw talent just look at his work from now on closely imo he even better then alberto.
Cody stepped his ring work up too i can see him in the world tittle pic if danielson does win it. wade barret is a cool villian too, WWE has some future stars and raw talent they just better put them guys out proper.