The official grand theft auto 5 gameplay thread ***spoiler alert***

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Which system do you have GTA 5 for?

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Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
you can quick save on the phones @Gas One
fuck yeah, how did i not know this the entire time? great news man thanks

i gotta sign on xbox so i can take pics for this thread. im never signed in

bout to put a hour or three of work into this game see how far i can get.

last mission i did was 'monkey business' the one where you go underwater with the FIB dude and get the nerve gas weapon from the government then fly it back to the hangar. wont say much more cuz once again could be a spoiler for someone

i can finally fly without crashing shit,plane and copter...took a second to get better

you can get in those jumbo jets/planes at the airport? how? ill take that ho to the hangar and keep it i need a plane..
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Feb 14, 2006
I was online yesterday and these 2 guys w/ thick scottish accents were hacking. Every car they got into was completely bulletproof. Baked421 was heellla pissed about it dissin their moms lol. You couldn't lock on and shoot them either. Or blow up the cars theyd steal. Everytime you even try they'd be like "yeh got meh, mate, oye thaht hurts" Damn nerds haha
Props: Mr G
May 13, 2002
Could they kill u though? I read about some glitch with passive mode where u can't die in your car, but you can't kill anyone.

Yesterday I was playing with my homie and we blew up this guy and his car. Dude thought he was slick and put his game into passive mode then walka over to me talking shit (i can't shoot him). My boy hops in his car and runs him over (dumb ass didn't realize you can still die if ran over lol)


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
these glitches are ruining the game for me. people with million dollar cars and attack choppers from glitching, people shooting from inside walls and shit. still no heists. think i might be done pretty soon, i dont even like missions anymore, they are nonchallenging and boring

i might buy a ps4 in a few weeks and just play minecraft till a good rpg comes out. that capcom jrpg looks dope

oh and i think i was wrong about the speedcap, that or they changed it. looked at social club and my felon had gotten to 134mph at some point. i got in my elegy and it seems faster, or could be in my head
Props: Unknownn

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
lol @ the chinese dudes thinking trevor and micheal are lovers.

i know im getting close to the end now, the story is hella opening up.

wonder if i had an option to shoot those fools that were behind the train..shoulda tried..maybe things would be different but who knows

i wonder if what yall meant when you said you beat it in two days, is the actual timer counter on the at 30-31 hours... but no fucking way i coulda beat it in two normal days. the last 3-4 days ive been playing hella, like 3-4 hours a day...trying to get hella far in it cuz ive put so much work into this game i wanna get farther...bought the bar w micheal, bought a boat slip...bout to buy the smoke shop..but none of these properties really bring that much money in...i mean its cool money but ive been robbing armored trucks and getting better gwap..ive yet to see a ability to buy los santos customs but that will be rad if i can.

that 60,000 dollars for helping the mob boss chick was nice fucking money..usually i will not give people rides..shit takes too damn long man they always wanna go all the way across the city

oh and i lost my fucking muscle car i parked in trevors garage...what the FUCK ill never see that car again!!! it better be at the impound if it aint in my garage or it better show up later!! SOOOO PISSED that car was the SHIT.. think it was a gauntlet or phoenix some shit i forgot...said muscle at the end..was my favorite car in 30 hours of playing the shit handled like a dream and was lightning fast

now its gone :( put it in the garage and it dissapeared..thats so wack man took 4 stars and hella evading cops to get that shit..never risked shootin helicopters down to evade just for a car till that moment i needed that car

any investment tips for story mode? cluckinbell and another one seem to pay off but im guessin its the same investments for every story mode..what did yall use to get the cash up? when i started only mike had investments but he somehow got up to a million while everyone else had like 30 investing had to have worked..wasnt with a hesit cuz i buy property or build up my cars with heist money.

got 16 more missions before i finished all the missions, and i thought i was at the end after trevor and micheal had 'some words' together...but apparently theres more to this...the story is getting dope and im hella entertained right now..thinkin although me and nuttkase are around the same % i might be a little farther..i just got this weird feeling ...i mostly did missions that advanced the certain missions arent important others further the story ive noticed

big props for the quick save that saved my ass today.usually if i gotta go and cant save ill cut it off and redo the missions i didnt save..that isnt fun at all
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Feb 14, 2006
Could they kill u though? I read about some glitch with passive mode where u can't die in your car, but you can't kill anyone.

Yesterday I was playing with my homie and we blew up this guy and his car. Dude thought he was slick and put his game into passive mode then walka over to me talking shit (i can't shoot him). My boy hops in his car and runs him over (dumb ass didn't realize you can still die if ran over lol)
Yah they could shoot at/ kill us. I lost I think it was 9-3 when I gave up.
Nah they didn't have the passive mode symbol on them. You could kill em by running them over about 8 or 9 times which was pretty unusual. I would have left but listening to the arguing was actually funny to listen to. It's the only hack I 've seen so far. Still lookin out for that wizard sorcery you saw.
Feb 14, 2006
these glitches are ruining the game for me. people with million dollar cars and attack choppers from glitching, people shooting from inside walls and shit. still no heists. think i might be done pretty soon, i dont even like missions anymore, they are nonchallenging and boring

i might buy a ps4 in a few weeks and just play minecraft till a good rpg comes out. that capcom jrpg looks dope

oh and i think i was wrong about the speedcap, that or they changed it. looked at social club and my felon had gotten to 134mph at some point. i got in my elegy and it seems faster, or could be in my head
The heists are coming. Theres a bank you can walk into in vinewood on the same street as the tattoo parlor. It's empty but there's a locked up stairwell in the back that leads to the safe. Me and drunkaholic were in there few days ago.
Props: 2-0-Sixx


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
lol @ the chinese dudes thinking trevor and micheal are lovers.

i know im getting close to the end now, the story is hella opening up.

wonder if i had an option to shoot those fools that were behind the train..shoulda tried..maybe things would be different but who knows

i wonder if what yall meant when you said you beat it in two days, is the actual timer counter on the at 30 hours... but no fucking way i coulda beat it in two normal days. the last 3-4 days ive been playing hella, like 3-4 hours a day...trying to get hella far in it cuz ive put so much work into this game i wanna get farther...bought the bar w micheal, bought a boat slip...bought to buy the smoke shop..but none of these properties really bring that much money in...i mean its cool money but ive been robbing armored trucks and getting better gwap..

that 60,000 dollars for helping the mob boss chick was nice fucking money..

oh and i lost my fucking muscle car i parked in trevors garage...what the FUCK ill never see that car again!!! it better be at the impound if it aint in my garage or it better show up later!! SOOOO PISSED that car was the SHIT.. think it was a phoenix or some shit...said muscle at the end
no, sadly i beat it in 3 real life days lol. i bought it like what... it came out tuesday morning? i played some had to work, weds thurs are my days off, had it beat by friday morning at like 6am (i work graveyards). im not bragging, i should have savored it all slowly, rushing through the game was a mistake

i think i might even play through it again. its all about that journey from broke to millionaire and everything in between. shit, i played san andreas like 4 times through and the funnest parts were in the beginning. super broke just rolling around on a bike looking for drug dealers in hoodies for that quick $500 come up to get a haircut, du-rag and new shoes, lol

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
i think i might even play through it again. its all about that journey from broke to millionaire and everything in between. shit, i played san andreas like 4 times through and the funnest parts were in the beginning. super broke just rolling around on a bike looking for drug dealers in hoodies for that quick $500 come up to get a haircut, du-rag and new shoes, lol
shit ive been playing this game for 6 weeks, close to 7. i got a GF so i couldnt play all the time, shed whine if i played too much. but as of lately shes been interested/entertained by watching and has picked up the controller a few times to play the game on her own, she liked san andreas and has been eyeing this one. didnt want her ruining my stats or destroying my cars, so i told her id start the game form the beginning as soon as i finish it. even though i havent gone through the game fast by any means, im kinda eager to start over too. the first 3-4 weeks i refused to play the game unless i was high, and i really dont remember much of it lol

BTW beating that shit in 3 days is nuts. i know i keep saying that, but damn. you must have just played straight up 12-16 hour shifts no stops on those 3 days.

im even suprised nuttkase is around the same percentage as me and i had it for 3-4 weeks before him. but once again i wasnt playing a lot at all until this last week.

in a way i kinda played to make the game last. like i wanted something to take up my time and boredom.its definitely done that. almost thought of buying call of duty for story mode just to have something else to do after GTA's done buy call of duty is super easy to beat. i beat black ops 2 in a few days just like you did with GTA 5

wish i had san andreas on my xbox, but its gta 4...i just didnt like gta 4 i dunno it must have been the russian dude storyline that bored me. not sure but i just couldnt get through that game. maybe ill pick it up after i finish this, might be alot more fun now. you know, like to used to the GTA sandbox type freeroam at this point so its gotta be somewhat fun.

dont know if i can go back to a FPS shooter like COD now and actually 'love' it

crazy how some people buy a game just for multiplayer. im the direct opposite i buy it for story mode...then if i liked the game thaaat much ill play online. it seems fun online based on what you guys are talking about but there seems to be alot of drawbacks/negatives to it, too. by the time i sart playing it there will have been so many hacks, people cheating, or people so far beyond my knowledge of online that it might not be as fun as it was for you guys, playing it from the very beginning and everyone being on the same level of knowledge basically. shoulda jumped on it then, but i got really wrapped into story mode.
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Props: BUTCHER 206


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
im even suprised nuttkase is around the same percentage as me and i had it for 3-4 weeks before him. but once again i wasnt playing a lot at all until this last week.
I was only at 8.5% after my first two weeks. I'd start playing while I was drinking, get a mission or two done, and then literally do whatever for like 5-6 hours as I got drunk lol. One day when I was hungover a week ago I was like "Alright gonna grind out a shit load of missions" and got to like 25% after playing more or less non stop for ten hours that day. That shit be sucking up your time on some "oh shit it's midnight already?" type tip haha.