lol @ the chinese dudes thinking trevor and micheal are lovers.
i know im getting close to the end now, the story is hella opening up.
wonder if i had an option to shoot those fools that were behind the train..shoulda tried..maybe things would be different but who knows
i wonder if what yall meant when you said you beat it in two days, is the actual timer counter on the at 30-31 hours... but no fucking way i coulda beat it in two normal days. the last 3-4 days ive been playing hella, like 3-4 hours a day...trying to get hella far in it cuz ive put so much work into this game i wanna get farther...bought the bar w micheal, bought a boat slip...bout to buy the smoke shop..but none of these properties really bring that much money in...i mean its cool money but ive been robbing armored trucks and getting better gwap..ive yet to see a ability to buy los santos customs but that will be rad if i can.
that 60,000 dollars for helping the mob boss chick was nice fucking money..usually i will not give people rides..shit takes too damn long man they always wanna go all the way across the city
oh and i lost my fucking muscle car i parked in trevors garage...what the FUCK ill never see that car again!!! it better be at the impound if it aint in my garage or it better show up later!! SOOOO PISSED that car was the SHIT.. think it was a gauntlet or phoenix some shit i forgot...said muscle at the end..was my favorite car in 30 hours of playing the shit handled like a dream and was lightning fast
now its gone

put it in the garage and it dissapeared..thats so wack man took 4 stars and hella evading cops to get that shit..never risked shootin helicopters down to evade just for a car till that moment i needed that car
any investment tips for story mode? cluckinbell and another one seem to pay off but im guessin its the same investments for every story mode..what did yall use to get the cash up? when i started only mike had investments but he somehow got up to a million while everyone else had like 30 investing had to have worked..wasnt with a hesit cuz i buy property or build up my cars with heist money.
got 16 more missions before i finished all the missions, and i thought i was at the end after trevor and micheal had 'some words' together...but apparently theres more to this...the story is getting dope and im hella entertained right now..thinkin although me and nuttkase are around the same % i might be a little farther..i just got this weird feeling ...i mostly did missions that advanced the certain missions arent important others further the story ive noticed
big props for the quick save that saved my ass today.usually if i gotta go and cant save ill cut it off and redo the missions i didnt save..that isnt fun at all