im down to do survival on my days off, when i first discovered it i thought this is where its at. only i haven't really fucked with it because to have a fighting chance you need some higher rank ppl so every1 has a ton of ammo. with like 1 rank 15 and everyone else lower rank the lower ranks run out of ammo real fast. also we need some coordination.
i say each person takes a section and stays there covered. we all memorize each section by a number. that way you dont have enemies spawning behind you with no help.
for instance split the survival into 4 sections. sections 2, 3, 4 take out their guys, but section 1 is having trouble. they say into the mic 'help@ 1', sections 2 3 4 move to help section 1, then move back to their sections after. or for instance 'helicopter @ 4', we move to 4 to help. hopefully each section has their own health and armor, and ppl stay away from other ppls unless they need it badly. '@1 need health', '@4 imfull health take mine'. something like that. any plan is better than none lol