I got one a few weeks ago. its pretty sick.
another good app is the bar scanner. it lets you take a pic of any bar code on any product and it will tell you what it is, how much it costs, and where nearby you can buy it.
Police scanner app is pretty sick, it tells you of nearby "hotspots" like po-stations and when your being gunned. Its always running tho and it made my phone hella slow.
honestly the funniest app so far has to be the "fartdroid." you can preset it for a specific typa fart (anything from basically shittin your pants to a squeky leaky fart) and then set the timer and put it down by someones ass and wait for it to go off and watch as people look around like WTF? i actually had some bitch nearby cover her face when she heard the fake fart from my buddies ass it was classic.