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not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Nutt, the episode was disappointing.

Kinda slow, uneventful. Some shit happened at the end you can probly guess what.

Ive never been so into a show like this where now im just waiting for next week / episode.
*Spoliers below*

I agree with you that this episode was disappointing in relation to last week's episode. I really don't get where my friend was saying it was better so I'll have to ask him next time we talk. But I do have to say that I think it was a pretty good episode overall. I think how they tied Jesse back into the whole partnership with Walt was very well done. Hank beat the living shit out of that fool lol.

With the brothers I didn't think both of them would die that quick but I thought it was pretty dope how they went out. Who do you think gave Hank the heads up? The dude that was working for Sal or more for Gus should I say? Speaking of Sal dude is a straight up G. When he was talking about "options" for dealing with Jesse you know he wanted to have him murked and taken care of for good.

Even though this episode wasn't even near as good as the last one in comparison it was still really solid in my opinion and has me itching to see what happens next week.
Dec 25, 2003
Yea it was kind of like a wind up hopefully next week is more action packed.

I think Gus tipped him off.

I was pissed when Walt fired homeboy even though he didnt have to.

If Hank lives hes gonna be fucked up and possibly outta the picture.


Sicc OG
Feb 28, 2006
I was pissed when Walt fired homeboy even though he didnt have to.
He had to get rid of Gale. For his own good. And Hanks. Walt began to realize that Gale quickly adjusted his formula and process in the lab. Now with Gabe merely being an assistant, i doubt Gus pays him even close to what he pays Walt, so why not get rid of Walt once Gale knows the formula and process, and come off way cheaper in the end? The batch they made was probably just fine, and Walt only flushed it to have a "valid" point for firing him.

Besides, if i were Walt i wouldn't trust some random guy as my lab partner. For all we know dude might be a snitch for the DEA, although Gus probably checked twice before he hired the guy. Still, by firing Gale and putting Pinkman in his place he not only saved Hank some trouble, but also saved his OWN ass from the DEA, by making Pinkman a partner in crime again, so he'll shut his stupid ass up for a while.
Dec 4, 2006
Missed the show last night and just got done watching it!

I was close about my prediction with the cartel hitters.....

I knew they would go after Hank and that Hank would kill one of them! But damn!!!! He killed them both!

All I can say the show about to start to pick up more...I got a feeling that fool Gale is gonna tip off the DEA and trust me, Gus does not want to get rid of Walt at all. Gus see's him as a billion dollar dream and needs him more than anything.

But I know for a fact there's going to be a war between Gus and the cartel...

who tipped off Hank? Gus's sidekick dude that installed bugs in Walt's home, after he saw the hitters at Walt's house that one time, Gus made sure to tail those two constantly.

All I can say this is the best show ever!
Jul 6, 2008
Missed the show last night and just got done watching it!

I was close about my prediction with the cartel hitters.....

I knew they would go after Hank and that Hank would kill one of them! But damn!!!! He killed them both!

All I can say the show about to start to pick up more...I got a feeling that fool Gale is gonna tip off the DEA and trust me, Gus does not want to get rid of Walt at all. Gus see's him as a billion dollar dream and needs him more than anything.

But I know for a fact there's going to be a war between Gus and the cartel...

who tipped off Hank? Gus's sidekick dude that installed bugs in Walt's home, after he saw the hitters at Walt's house that one time, Gus made sure to tail those two constantly.

All I can say this is the best show ever!
naw, one of the twins is still alive, the one that got rammed up from behind by the truck.

in the flashback, when they were kids, the one twin that got his head put in the water, he is the one that died from the bullet to the head. only cuz the other twin that is alive wished that the other twin was dead when they were children.

i like how the show connect and tie everything up in the present, even if it was in the distant past.

yup, you got it, the mike guy who installed the bugs in walts home, is the guy that tipped of hank. although pollos gave the command to mike to tell hank.

only thing i didnt like with the scene with hank and the twins, was the fact that the twin had to go get the ax. that was too scripted.

in real life it wouldnt have mattered, you kill for the kill, if you are an assassin, you kill no matter how you kill, a kill is a kill. i thought that scene was stupid as fuck,i wanted to see hank die, jsut cuz i hate pigs.

omg, the fuckin twins talked, taht was fuckin crazy yeen know.

gus wanted them twins dead, they were trouble and who knows they still might have been thristy for revenge and not satisfied with just killing hank, they might of still wanted walt. nobody touches pollos fruitcup, walt is his bitch.

that scene with the arms dealer white guy was hilarious, "lets hurry this up, i got a girl taht i need to pee on, i need to go soon, otherwise she'll change her mind, you know how them girls are with exotic fetishes", man, lmao, that had me rollin.

definitely top 3 shows all-time next to seinfeld, simpsons, might move up to #2, when it's all said and done.
Aug 24, 2003
watched the first four episodes of season one this show pulled me right in
i wish it was rated R but then again it works really well as is
going to definitely catch some more episodes, this show on netflix?
Sep 29, 2003
last week was the best episode of the series yet. That shit was intense....maybe it was just the mood i was in, and watching it alone in the dark, but there was some serious drama. That soliloquy by Jesse in the hospital bed was incredible. It was up there with the time Skyler freaked out on Hank in season 2....

Then...Walt giving Gale shit, actually that was Heisenberg there. I think we are gonna see a lot more of Heisenberg, Walt's tired of being a pussy. I also liked how he told his wife off....anyone think he is over her? Or did he just try to stand his ground.....I love how they are developing Hank's character now. Hope he lives.....

and I think the proper temp was 75. Walt told him 75, and then later convinced Gale he said 85 because he needed a reason to get rid of him. I believe he had that planned out before they began work.....
May 13, 2002
Breaking Bad mugshot gallery

Name:Jesse Pinkman
Alias: Cap'n Cook

Name: Don Salamanca
Alias: "Uncle" Tio

Name: Domingo Gallardo Molina
Alias: Krazy 8

Name: Tuco Salamanca
Alias: None

Name: Wendy
Alias: Meth Whore

Name: Saul Goodman
Alias: McGill

Name: James Edward Kilkelly
Alias: Jimmy In-'N-Out

Names: Marco (Left) and Leonel (Right)
Aliases: The Cousins


thats just my ghost
Oct 31, 2002
After shit calms down perhaps the dea dude will think jesse put out a hit on him and go even harder trying to get at him. Which could lead to walt and salt the whole fucking thing. Who knows... sunday we shall see I guess
Jul 6, 2008
sauls mugshot reminds me of gob (will arnett) from arrested development. I wonder if they are related, maybe brothers?? they have the same scruffy, scummy bag mischievious voice.

also, no it aint on netflix stream, i checked. well it aint on there yet, maybe after this season.... i hope.

spoiler alert - ive been hearing rumors on the net that pinkman dies in episode 9. so with that try, drawing up what the next couple od episodes will look and shape up to be.