buy those little cereal boxes, open the bag, dump the cereal back in the little fuckin boxes, pour a milk carton in that shit, and then drink the cereal and milk together. Your moms save all those coupons, don't even check if it's expired. She keeps paper towels she used once on the counter, just in case she can re use it. Never throwin away plastic baggies, like the ziplocs and shit. Saving every penny, like one of the dudes already said. Probably a large stereotype, your rims cost more than your car, idk, i never did that shit. Your main supply of food is food you got from one of those fuckin donation services, and all you're eatin is bread with peanut butter and sometimes hot sauce(used to live with a latino, he would always put hotsauce on every fuckin thing). Or probably a can of mixed fruit. Most of your scratch is going into weed, when it shouldn't be. You get pulled over by cops in the middle of the night just for walking with your boyz. They "just want to ask you a couple of ?s bullshit".