But just cuz you don't like the way Emmanuel sings or you hate R&B doesn’t mean you shouldn't support.
Just Cuz the Blue Scholars do "Back pack" shit or you hate Asian rappers. Don't mean you shouldn’t' support them some how?
Ummm, No. I'm not going to buy something I won't listen to. I barely can listen to an Akon LP, and Emmanuel is no Akon. I'd be more LIKELY to buy his album because he's from my own area, but then again, I'd be more LIKELY to buy a Red Hot Chili Peppers album than a Cher album. I won't be buying either in the next 50 years, God-willing.
2ndly......Ummm, Yes, it does. Not the Asian part, but the Back Pack part. Only Backpackers I support are the ones who emulate Wu-Tang/Early Nas/et al. I don't give a fuck about your "change the world" bullshit. Come at me with some spectacular/manufacturing dracula/immaculate actor type shit. If I hear "Out of Iraq" or any variation, i change tracks. It's a wrap for you. Basically, shut the fuck up. Go write a news article--leave that shit out of your rhyme notebook. (Edit: For the record, I went to a Blue Scholars concert a few months back, had a great time. Didn't buy the album, but I'd go see a show again.)
The OP does not know what he is talking about. It does not take a brain surgeon to realize that. Grunge music exploded and created a musical revolution, taking Rock from mullets and butt rock and bullshit, to basically everything we have today, in all its variations. And who would you thank for that, if you had to point to
one single guy, and say "thats the guy"? You already know who I'm going to say.
He wasn't from L.A. Wasn't from Seattle and moved to LA. Wasn't even from Tacoma and moved to Seattle.
Aberdeen's own Kurt Cobain made that shit happen by moving to Seattle. Population 16,000...probably less back then.
Some of you guys on the inside looking out might not appreciate us small towns, or appreciate the impact of your larger towns, but you need to learn and learn quickly. Sea-Tac has plenty of people. Portland has plenty of people. In those 2 areas combined, we're talking 3-4 million people. You're telling me our top names shouldn't be doing 1000+ a month, every single month of the year? You telling me a monthly Supershow couldn't pack in 500+ every time at 20 bucks a pop? You're on crack. It's not that the leads aren't out there, you're just coming at them all wrong. You're pushing Kia on someone who's used to a Lexus or Range Rover.
Something is off. It isn't the music. It isn't the talent level. It isn't the fans. It's the way these rappers are coming at the fans like "Help me blow up, or FUCK YOU IN YOUR ASS". Like there's no middle ground at all.
What it should be like is:
"Oh, so you don't want to buy my CD? That's cool. But here, take this [CD-R mixtape of you, your label, your city's best artists, WHOEVER], free of charge."
It costs you 25 goddamned cents, and more important than that, they walk away with something that at least 50% will listen to at least once. Don't give them your MySpace link or a flyer or some shit, because it's going in the trash. Always has, always will. Postcard Flyers are the biggest waste of money known to man. It's like printing "FUCK YOU FOR NOT BUYING MY ALBUM" in bright colors, because people only take the flyer if they feel guilty for not buying anything.
Now, tell me Aberdeen representative has this all wrong. Stop me at any point. Step in and let me know I'm making shit up.
But no.....instead we get, "Fans don't know what they want". "Fans want to hear a mainstream sound". So then what do we get? Some asshole making an album with 16/18 crap ass songs and 2 radio clones, like it does any good. And then, so they can claim the album "has something for everyone", they go out and spend who knows how much of their budget on beats and features that nobody but their core base of 113 fans care about--instead of focusing on crafting their own distinct sound and niche. And then on top of the then, they push the album back for 1-2-3-4-5-6 years just to make REALLY REALLY REALLY sure it's "something you can play all the way through, start to finish!". Yeah. Sure, buddy.
You know what it reminds me of? The Get Rich Quick infomercials that air at 3am. But.......mothafucka, if you're so rich,
why the hell can't you afford an ad during the daytime? It's 100% transparent.....yet these rappers still do it
in a region populated by some of the smartest people in the entire country.
There's a reason we don't speak with an accent. There's a reason we drink more coffee than beer. There's a reason we wig the fuck out when its 70 degrees outside. There's a reason we don't have slums. There's a reason we have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country.
The NorthWest, 10 Million plus, is here to stay. We Exist. If "We" does not include You--Wise Up, don't Dumb Down. Dumb Marketing and High Pressure Selling is fucking everything up, and that much should be known. It's not about being on your own dick or not. Call yourself the greatest all you want, but
NEVER let a potential lead walk away without SOMETHING in hand (other than a fuckin' postcard). Cardinal Sin, and Rappers are doing it every single day of the week.