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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA


“I remember clearly that it was about 5 p.m. on November 25. I was just finishing an assignment photographing retired military soldiers bidding farewell to their comrades at the train station. On my way out, I heard someone yelling from a corner and soon after lots of people gathered around. I ran towards the sound and made my way to the front of the crowd, only to find an old man dead on the bench. As I raised my camera, a Buddhist monk walked out of the crowd and went directly towards the dead man. The monk bent down to hold the old man’s hand and started to chant scriptures. I began to take pictures immediately. One minute later, police came over and cordoned off the area. After the monk finished the ceremony, he bowed to the old man and quickly disappeared among the other busy passengers.”

Nikon D3, lens 52mm, f3.5, 1/160, ISO 4000

Caption: A monk prays for a dead man in the station hall of the Shanxi Taiyuan Train Station in Shanxi, November 25, 2011. A monk who was waiting for the train performed a religious ceremony for the man, who was found dead, Xinhua News Agency reported. Picture taken November 25, 2011. REUTERS/Asianewsphoto
May 13, 2002
That's General Butt Naked's crew. Fucking crazy cross-dressing cannibals!

Blahyi has said he led his troops naked except for shoes and a gun. He believed that his nakedness was a source of protection from bullets.[8] Blahyi now claims he would regularly sacrifice a victim before battle, saying, "Usually it was a small child, someone whose fresh blood would satisfy the devil."[1] He explained to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer: "Sometimes I would enter under the water where children were playing. I would dive under the water, grab one, carry him under and break his neck. Sometimes I'd cause accidents. Sometimes I'd just slaughter them."[9] In January 2008, Milton-Blahyi confessed to taking part in human sacrifices which "included the killing of an innocent child and plucking out the heart, which was divided into pieces for us to eat."[10]

Blahyi got his nickname, "General Butt Naked", from his nakedness which was supposedly demanded by the Devil. He claimed to a South African Star reporter that he "met Satan regularly and talked to him" and that from the age of 11 to 25 he took part in monthly human sacrifices.[11] In his account of a typical battle Blahyi claimed, "So, before leading my troops into battle, we would get drunk and drugged up, sacrifice a local teenager, drink their blood, then strip down to our shoes and go into battle wearing colourful wigs and carrying imaginary purses we'd looted from civilians. We'd slaughter anyone we saw, chop their heads off and use them as soccer balls. We were nude, fearless, drunk yet strategic. We killed hundreds of people – so many I lost count."[12] Blahyi also purported that during that period he had "magical powers that made him invisible" and a "special power" to capture a town singlehandedly, then call in his troops afterwards to "clean up".[13] Some of Blahyi's soldiers – often teenage boys – would enter battle naked; others would wear women's clothes.[1] In June 2006 Blahyi published his autobiography including pictures of him fighting with a rifle, wearing nothing but sneakers.[14]