eipon oun umin oti apoqaneisqe en taiV amartiaiV umwn: ean gar mh pisteushte oti
ego eimi, apoqaneisqe en taiV amartiaiV umwn.
Not the best Greek translation of John 8:24. But the highlighted should be noted. Christ was almost killed for saying this.
John 20:27-28
Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe."
17 Thomas answered and said to him, "My Lord and my God!"
Greek John 20:28
apekriqh qwmaV kai eipen autw,
o kurioV mou kai o qeoV mou.
The highlighterd part translates to:
My Lord and My God.
Ο κύριος και ο Θεός μου
Ο Λόρδος και ο Θεός μου
Greek = English = Copied and Pasted Portion
Θεός = God = qeov
μου = My= mou
και = and = kai
κύριος = master = kuriov
Greek New Testament: