the machinist

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Oct 21, 2002
Yes, definately Pi. And if you haven't seen it, Requiem For a Dream. They're both from the same director.
Another one, if you haven't seen it, is Memento.
And David Lynchs' films, even though they make absolutely no sense.
Jun 13, 2002
B-Buzz said:
Yes, definately Pi. And if you haven't seen it, Requiem For a Dream. They're both from the same director.
Another one, if you haven't seen it, is Memento.
And David Lynchs' films, even though they make absolutely no sense.

Love Requiem, I have Memento and Pi but haven't watched either yet. It looks like I will next time.
Aug 20, 2004
I didnt like all...

But Memento is a movie i of the best...Guy Pearce is a dope actor...peep Ravenous if you get a chance...the darkest of dark comedies...
Apr 25, 2002
Fresh off just watchin' this. It's a crazy ass flick man. I love the movies that make you think. So basically the whole movie is just Reznik imaging things and hallucinating over his guilt for the hit and run he had committed in the past. What's the deal with the Stevie does she play in all this? Fuck I got hella questions about this shit...I think I needa watch it again.
Apr 25, 2002

So i finally saw the movie. What's so cool about it? I've seen the whole insomniac goes crazy and creates a different personality thing before. What's so new and fresh and cool about this one? Other than being amazed/disgusted at how thin bale got for this and then bulked up for batman, this movie wasn't impressive. The style wasn't much on style. The acting wasn't much on acting. And the story wasn't much on story.

I give it 1 & 1/2 stars, because it's better than a lot of crap that's out there these days. But it's not anywhere near the level of some of the other movies that got mentioned for people to check out in this thread.

I was expecting so much more after seeing the trailer and then seening a post about it here. Disappointing is about the best way to put it.

I should have got some sleep instead of watching this.
May 13, 2002
No one ever said it was as good as the other movies mentioned in this thread.

Overall, I think it’s a great movie. Sure, there have been several other films that deal with insomnia, but IMO none of which were a psychological thriller that keeps you guessing until the end, like this one. There are a couple things I would have liked to see different about this film, but the dark, twisted plot, great direction and yes, the good acting, in the end make this film better than 99% of the movies that came out in 2004/2005.

Two thumbs up from 2-0-Sixx
Apr 25, 2002
No one ever said anyone said it was as good as the other movies mentioned.

I said it's not as good as the other movies mentioned in this thread. I'd have rather re-watched one of those. Was I happy i watched it, sure i saw a new movie. Will i watch it again, no.

This movie was no thriller because there was no thrill if you've seen movies in the last 5 years.

He's an insomniac with an imaginary friend? Hmmm never done that before. Ooooo "different' camera angles and drab dark colors, how cutting edge. You mean not everything happens on a conventional time line, no! i'm shocked! :rolleyes:

Not every film can break new ground in ANY field, let alone multiple. But good ones that don't break ground these days do something that's been done before and do it better. This film broke no ground in film making and didn't do anything better than has already been done. So there is nothing to make it stand out from the pack.

I gave it the benifit of the doubt thinking it was too obvious and they wouldn't do something so obviously done before, turns out i was wrong, but so were they.

There seems to be so much bad acting out there that people get credit for being fantastic when they act average.

And on a larger scale there seems to be so many bad movies out there that movies get credit for being fantastic when they are just average.
Aug 20, 2004
I liked it...i thought Bale did a great job....i could tell somethin was funky cus he was so charming when he was with Maria...and he seemed so unstable in all the other scenes...

But it wasnt better than Memento...still one of my all time favs right there...
Apr 1, 2002
I just rented and watched it. Boring IMO, there was no twists that I could see, I kinda figured everything out, dude was hallucinating like a mutha after the accident and not sleeping for a year. It was a given that he was the one trippin cuz everyone was against him and he thinks everybodies wrong when he is but doesn't realize it. If you like this movie then get MEMENTO as others have mentioned, it's a similar film but better, more twists and tangles.

I go to IMDB and look at the top 250 best rated movies and rent whatever is interesting to me and among the 250 was MEMENTO. Donnie Darko was ranked up there as well but something about a gigantic bunny rabbit making a dude kill didn't interest me. But since it got such a high rating, I'll check that out.
Apr 25, 2002
Mean Mugg said:
Donnie Darko was ranked up there as well but something about a gigantic bunny rabbit making a dude kill didn't interest me. But since it got such a high rating, I'll check that out.

That's cuz it's a net geek's wet dream of a movie.
Apr 1, 2002
I also rented "The Jacket" w/The Machinist. Both psychological thrillers. The Jacket is way better than The Machinist in my opinion. Both movies have very good actors, The Machinist w/Bale and The Jacket w/Adrien Brody. I recommend The Jacket (new release) over The Machinist.
Aug 20, 2004
ColdBlooded said:
That's cuz it's a net geek's wet dream of a movie.
Donnie Darko was a great flick..BUT...i seen the directors buddy who recommened this film,had only seen the original...and he said the original is way im off to rent the original and do the comaparisins...

I was thinkin about rentin The Jacket...ill put it on my list...

Still...the greatest "twist" movie yet is Usual Suspects...
Apr 1, 2002
Ok, after seeing the recommendations on here I've rented:

Donnie Darko - was fuckin' weak as fuck.

Pi - Sucked major ass, I mean it tossed some vicious salad.

Those 2 movies ruined my night after spending the funds to watch it, SUCKED.
May 13, 2002
Mean Mugg said:
I also rented "The Jacket" w/The Machinist. Both psychological thrillers. The Jacket is way better than The Machinist in my opinion. Both movies have very good actors, The Machinist w/Bale and The Jacket w/Adrien Brody. I recommend The Jacket (new release) over The Machinist.
Yeah I just d/l The Jacket. Heard good things about the movie