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May 19, 2002
Real talk Bam!! Fuck what an overrated R. Allen says, he is a mark anyway!! And as for Jordan & Wilt, they scored their shit naturally potna!! They didnt force shots! Whether how many shots they took, they didnt force shots to get 40 with 3 people on them time after time!! Try again! While u think u didnt make an excuse, u actually did and didnt realize it!! U lose!! Ko-me admitted it, so we all know he is a selfish ballhogg!!! GOT EM!!!
Sep 7, 2002
Nitro GH said:
From the time he re-entered the game in the 4th quater, till just about the end of the game, they Lakers were winning by 8-10 points, I dont think the game was really on the line. Maybe if it were tied or a 2-3 point game that would be the case.
Exactly my point. They were up by 7 at the time he re-entered the game. 6 consequtive forced shots, which turned into misses. Could've costed LA the game period. Seattle had a gang of chances, wide open shots, that could've been a loss for LA. Theres four other players on the court dog. Atleast two of them had to have been wide open at the time. Kick it back out, set up again, set sonme screens and create a play for kobe if he wants the 40. Its as simple as that. Don't force that shit up, because it won't go in.

Nitro GH said:
You as well still havent answered my question from before. Now im not saying your not a Lakers fan, but why do you only pop up here when something slightly bad happens and to knock Kobe or the Lakers... just curious.
It may seem like it, but Its all frustration my friend. LA should be above the rest in the western conference right about now. its the same formula (same team) as it was a couple of years ago. That means they should be dominating, and teams should fear them. But its the other way around, no one fears them any more.

Say for example the 1990 + Bulls. Teams feared them!!! I feared the shit out of them, i admit. when was the last time you've seen them struggling that bad? Never. And thats how LA should be right now, the fucking dons of the court.

Originally posted by Nitro GH
or the Lakers
Lakers??? There IS no Lakers homie. Theres only Shaq & kobe (who are basically all they got) I hope some trades are made for next season. im talkin about the whole new front line. Cuz this shits ridiculous

Do you think Horry is worth 8 million bucks? Or Fox being wroth 6? hell naw, thats outrageous. i can name many players for the same amount that D up, hustle, contribute to the team, and that WANT to play ball instead of stand around and look pretty.


Sicc OG
Aug 26, 2002
If hobe will get the mvp title this year their must be sumthing wrong with this league. His team is only the 7th in the west.
Apr 25, 2002
Young Bull said:
Exactly my point. They were up by 7 at the time he re-entered the game. 6 consequtive forced shots, which turned into misses. Could've costed LA the game period. Seattle had a gang of chances, wide open shots, that could've been a loss for LA. Theres four other players on the court dog. Atleast two of them had to have been wide open at the time. Kick it back out, set up again, set sonme screens and create a play for kobe if he wants the 40. Its as simple as that. Don't force that shit up, because it won't go in.
They were up by 8 when he came in, and yes he missed 6 shots thereafter. Your also right in the case that if it werent for Seattle missing those shots, they could have came back. My point is, THEY DIDNT MAKE THOSE SHOTS, it doesnt matter what couldnt have happened had this and that occured, what matters is Seattle DID miss those shot giving Kobe more leeway in trying to get the 40, it gave him more chances.

Young Bull said:
It may seem like it, but Its all frustration my friend. LA should be above the rest in the western conference right about now. its the same formula (same team) as it was a couple of years ago. That means they should be dominating, and teams should fear them. But its the other way around, no one fears them any more.
It was just your absence during their success that had me wondering, im not knockin' you for any reason, just curious as to why.

Young Bull said:
Lakers??? There IS no Lakers homie. Theres only Shaq & kobe (who are basically all they got) I hope some trades are made for next season. im talkin about the whole new front line. Cuz this shits ridiculous.
Believe me, I know. Check out this link where I made a big ass post saying just that.

Young Bull said:
Do you think Horry is worth 8 million bucks? Or Fox being wroth 6? hell naw, thats outrageous. i can name many players for the same amount that D up, hustle, contribute to the team, and that WANT to play ball instead of stand around and look pretty.
Its the winning formula that got them that pay, and its that pay that keep players like Rush (who have shown good playing ability) out of the lineup.
Apr 25, 2002
BAMMER said:
Would you suck Kobe's dick to be ballboy for a day?
Well, ill give you credit, after gettin clowned like that I didnt even think you would make it back to this thread. As to your question, you might want to ask CZAR, hes the guy who talks about him in every post, I just counter post about him.

BAMMER said:
Shoot them 3's Kobe,their easy!!!lol
ahhahahahhaha, If you say so! I dont see any coaching in your future though! lol

BAMMER said:
What is official? that I agree with what is said about him for one game as to his actions? ok...

askG said:
i hate kobe bryant as well but...will you get his name out of your keyboard...the man is good...nothing you say can change shut your yap.
Check it out BAM, this cat is on CZAR's side and he still says the same. Thats what I have been trying to tell you guys for a while. This isnt the first time either... lets see, what were Deep's words exactly as to CZAR's constant Kobe talk... "Damn CZAR, did Kobe do something to you personally?" Now tell me your not just siden' with CZAR cause hes your boyfriend, hahahahah@!

MB3 said:
If hobe will get the mvp title this year their must be sumthing wrong with this league. His team is only the 7th in the west.
If they gave the MVP to a guy who averages over 30ppg 6apg and 7rpb, top 5 in steals, great defensive player, and has his team in the post season, then something is wrong? Man... the NBA would have to be fixed for something like that to happen!


Sicc OG
Aug 26, 2002
yep cause his team still is wack and there are sum other players like KG or Tim Duncan that definetly deserve the mvp trophy more than hobe.
Apr 25, 2002
Quit tryin to pitty to Bam nitro!! He aint buyin your shit!! And I dont even know who askg is, so he aint on my side!! Try again!! U will lose and get schooled everytime by me & my folks! GOT EM!!!
How do you define gettin schooled, someone who disagree's with you? I have proof of myself schooling you, you have your word and your boyfriend BAMMER. So tell me how I get schooled by you and your "folks" (BAMMER)...? Prove it.


Siccness Gray Hair
Apr 25, 2002
Auburn Wa
My name is always in your throat like Koldbe's dick.We murder you on every post.You say we're the only ones who say this and that,and that nobody agrees with us,well who else besides you and maybe a few other Lakers agree with you?Everyone still laughs about you and LadyNutLoser.Go to the Art Forum and post Kobe pics,or go to the Sistas forum like Czar said.HAHA

::::::::::::::::CLASS DISMISSED::::::::::::
Apr 25, 2002
BAMMER said:
My name is always in your throat like Koldbe's dick.
No more then mine is in yours, you call my name out every damn time Kobe is brought up in a post, eat your words chump.

BAMMER said:
We murder you on every post.
How so? You guys simply tag team like a couple gay buddies and talk shit to me, while I school you, you have never done any "mudering" on any post since you have been here, but you sure do talk alot.

BAMMER said:
You say we're the only ones who say this and that,and that nobody agrees with us
Im not sure, but I dont think I said that. I remember saying you guys always agree with each other regardless. As to who else agrees with who, I think its safe to say the people who hate the Lakers side with each other, and vice versa.

BAMMER said:
Everyone still laughs about you and LadyNutLoser.
Actually, no one does... Sometimes you guys LIE about the whole three point deal, but you know as well as I do what was really said, and again I have proof. Just as many people laugh at you two gay's when I make you look like retards in these threads.

BAMMER said:
Go to the Art Forum and post Kobe pics,or go to the Sistas forum like Czar said.HAHA
Did you get your mommy's permission to join this messsage board, cause you have to be older then 13 you know.

Now thats what I call getting...



Sicc OG
Oct 4, 2002
Hey I don't like Kobe but it was a good run. It's exciting to see even if I don't like him.

All good things........
Apr 25, 2002
BAMMER said:
Don't ever mention my mom in any thread you little trick.This grown 27 year old man will smash you on some real life shit,now keep it sports and BAMMER.
I will talk about who I want, when I want, regardless who's mother it is. If she has passed away, or something serious of that nature nature has ocured, then I am sorry. If your going to talk shit on me, fuck morals, I dont care who you are. It is to my knowledge only a kid sitting behind a computer would make any sort of threat you just did, probably because they are a pussy in real life. You have no idea how old, how big, or how well I can handle myself, yet you try to look hard in front of a message board to what, "gain respect". Please, and spare yourself the whole "Hit me in PM's we'll handle this", cause the shit never works out, we will never meet in real life and that is the reality of it. Now live with that shit.

Haha good shit Bam!! Nitro & ladynutloser are always gettin laughed at!! Nutro maybe u should take ladynuttinfaceloser's stelo and leave this forum, before u get embarrassed anymore than u already have!! GOT EM!!!
Man, do you think anyone believes you when you hold me up there with Ladynut? No one likes you except a couple people that hate the Lakers. No one is laughing at me other then you, the joke is on you dog. You ever watch those movies where theres a big bully and he has a little side kick that agrees with whatever he says, your that little sidekick, your BAMMER's little bitch. "Yeaah! BAMMER you really got him this time!"

Man if you guys want to devote your time on this message board to talking shit on me, then you better damn well be ready to take it in. I dislike shit-talking, I think it is what people do to cover for their lack of knowledge on a subject, but in the case of you two, I have no other choice then to drop down to your level. BAMMER I know by words might piss you off, but theres nothing that can be done, you get what you give.
Apr 25, 2002
It sure is getting quiet around here, you haters don't have a whole lot to say now do you? The Lakers just won their sixth straight and are now 13-2 in their last 15 games. Kobe scored 30 points yet again extending that streak to 15 straight games of 30 or more. This great defensive player also tacked on 16 steals over the past 4 games. The Lakers are 1 game behind Utah for the 6th seed in the western, they are 5 games behind the 4th seed in the western and 8 games behind in the pacific division. They just beat the #1 team in the Eastern Conference, and arguably the best defensive team in the NBA by 10 points. Tonight they play against seattle, we will see how good Ray Allen can D up on Kobe.