BAMMER said:
Don't ever mention my mom in any thread you little trick.This grown 27 year old man will smash you on some real life shit,now keep it sports and BAMMER.
I will talk about who I want, when I want, regardless who's mother it is. If she has passed away, or something serious of that nature nature has ocured, then I am sorry.
If your going to talk shit on me, fuck morals, I dont care who you are. It is to my knowledge only a kid sitting behind a computer would make any sort of threat you just did, probably because they are a pussy in real life. You have no idea how old, how big, or how well I can handle myself, yet you try to look hard in front of a message board to what, "gain respect". Please, and spare yourself the whole "Hit me in PM's we'll handle this", cause the shit never works out, we will never meet in real life and that is the reality of it. Now live with that shit.
Haha good shit Bam!! Nitro & ladynutloser are always gettin laughed at!! Nutro maybe u should take ladynuttinfaceloser's stelo and leave this forum, before u get embarrassed anymore than u already have!! GOT EM!!!
Man, do you think anyone believes you when you hold me up there with Ladynut? No one likes you except a couple people that hate the Lakers. No one is laughing at me other then you, the joke is on you dog. You ever watch those movies where theres a big bully and he has a little side kick that agrees with whatever he says, your that little sidekick, your BAMMER's little bitch. "Yeaah! BAMMER you really got him this time!"
Man if you guys want to devote your time on this message board to talking shit on me, then you better damn well be ready to take it in. I dislike shit-talking, I think it is what people do to cover for their lack of knowledge on a subject, but in the case of you two, I have no other choice then to drop down to your level. BAMMER I know by words might piss you off, but theres nothing that can be done, you get what you give.