I personally still play cd's and have never bought a digital album.BUT labelwise im making decisions with other people and we all considered trying a different formula since we have cd's from the last project just sittin.i prefer doing both but the truth is....ive given away more cd's in my life than most of u have purchased.as an artist,it wasnt a problem but as a label that extra money could make a difference.no offense to anyone but i believe people have gotten spoiled and lazy on the consumer side and the business side.my job as a label exec is hard work.decisions like this help me experience the truth of the game and learning for myself instead of listening to what people THINK.we all have personal likes and opinions but we dont all have the job of keeping a label afloat and strategizing marketing and business plans. On a real note,fairweather fans never mattered to me.4 loyal listeners,im willing to go in my poccet and press up some cd's and keep the relationship 100.thanks for the input everybody.GG