After my first day on the job, the Arkansas market looks to be picking itself up off the ground. Here's my first days work, and hopefully not the last bad ass promo day I'll have.
I set up promo for sickology in Arkansas State University yesterday. I put 12x12's, 4x6's, and cd samplers all over the the library, student center, cafeteria, auditorium, and outside of the larger classrooms. I gave a friend of mine like 20 cd samplers to hand out to her friends in the dorm AFTER I had put up the promo. She left the school shortly after I got done at 3:30, and didn't return til close to ten. She was fully prepared to pass out samplers when she got back, but it was too late. The entire boys and girls dorms had already consumed my promo, and when she walked into the lobby of the girls dorm, there was a group of about ten girls dancing to Back Pack. ON TOP of that being fucking righteous, an intern for a few radio stations asked her to get at me for over a hundred cd samplers, because they're having some sort of big media outlet meeting in the next couple of weeks.