While I've enjoyed threads by caff, ez-roo etc I can go to i-candy to check them out. We have a whoooooole forum for it and that way we don't hafta put (NSFW) by threads because it will be obvious if yer in the i-candy forum.
right when you think the open forum is raw, and anything goes
Dana goes ruining it... I thought the open forum was "OPEN" to any topics the users felt like... if it was popular it will stick, if not it will fade...
whats wrong with posting pictures of tiddies & ass and howcome we cant post it in the open forum? what about the people that cant access the i-candy forum ??????
this is bullshit. i could understand the caff/ezroo threads. But they mostly dont even post nudes. This is the fuckin siccness, we got people on BART threatening to kill messy marv but the open forum sharks cant look at some pussu?? i mean c'mon~!!
What don't you guys get? I-Candy goes in I-candy, sports go in sports, sales go in classifieds, etc. and anything that doesn't fit goes into open forum.
What don't you guys get? I-Candy goes in I-candy, sports go in sports, sales go in classifieds, etc. and anything that doesn't fit goes into open forum.
I dont care if there was a thread specifically for vagina. Having tiddies and pussu in every forum is a great idea. Even the gathering of minds folks could use some tiddies and pussu.