people that go into Hangover 2 expecting something new get disappointed and act like the movie is terrible. the movie is literally the same as the first, but in Thighland
it's pointless debating over comedies because everyone has a different sense of humor. What's funny as fuck to one person is stupid to the next. That's why comedies never really rate that highly on the all time great movies that often.
I personally thought the first one was great, I doubt they can recapture that again but I'll definitely check this out.
gonna watch this in the theatres this weekend. a lot of people i know built up a lot of hype to it so theyre probally gonna be dissapointed, personally i'm not expecting it to be brilliantly funny just entertaining.
Im sure itll be funny. But I agree with everyone that says it looks the exact same.
Kind of hoping to hear that folks would be presented with just 2 hrs of a title card saying, "thanks for spending $13 on a movie youve already seen - buy blu-ray!"