Hahahahah welp jesse james like I told u, there wont be no Show me bowl!! Neither of your squads will make it!! Thats to bad for u!! Next time dont run your mouth to early potna!! GOT EM!!
I'm far from a sore winner...............But I can honestly say this dude was thinking about me the whole time the game was on " oh I hope STL loses so i can get on the siccness and say i told u so Jesse James" , dude is a tool.....................
Some of yall hoes kill me!! Stop cryin like a bitch!! This is a sports forum and when u run your mouth about sumthin and it doesnt happen, u gets clowned period!! I mean folks got on me about Dallas and I never said they would even go to the bowl, but u dont see me gettin butthurt! I just clown back, thats what real folks do to keep it fun & competitive!! And u was the last person on my mind while I was watchin the game!! I picked the Rams to win this game idiot so why would I be wantin them to lose?? Once I came on to the board and went over the threads, then i knew to clown your booboo prediction's ass!! Get over it mane if u cant take the heat, then dont run your mouth simple as that!! U actually the one takin this shit to serious, cause its all fun for most of us, but u get butthurt once your choke team loses at home in the dome!! Maybe u better off in the sistas forum!! Show me bowl.........I dont think so!! Your Chefs are next!! GOT EM!!
fuck.,...oh well, for real tho, mike martz is a super fag sometime.........it was a helluva game........gotta go with philly now hopefully, all tho they down at half.........i really thaught STL was gonna do it.......fuck