I was at a show my boy was doin...and he was lookin for me so he asked the dancers where "Ryan" is....they said, "oh the tall mexican guy?" and my boy goes, "yeah only he's not mexican." they were like, "well what is he?" he says, "he's as white as me."
lol....cause my boy, who's name is ironically also Ryan...is damn near the same nationalities as me...and i've known him for 18 almost 19 years....
but nah, after he said to them that I'm white, they were like "nuh uh he's not white. he's puerto rican or mixed."
I've been mistaken for EVERY fuckin race EXCEPT asian. lol....people have thought i'm fuckin middle eastern, indian, native, spanish, mexican, nationalities from south america...
all cause i'm tan...but having green eyes i would haev thought people would assume i'm white...i guess not...don't matter to me....at least they're lookin! lol