The McLickasnatch, what do you have to say about the innocent people who are executed on death row, who were never granted their appeals process (even though they have overwhelming evidence which will prove their innocence, especially convicts who did not have DNA testing available during their trials, however the racist/discriminatory Judge refuses to re-open the case for review)... How many innocent people 'put to rest' justifies killing the 'guilty killers'? What about kids convicted and sentenced when they were under 18 when they were 'convicted' of their crime, how about the number of people on death row who are mentally handi-capped and should be institionalized rather than 'put to rest'
What about your commander & cheif who attacked a soviergn nation which never attacked us to kill innocent women and children? Me, because I'm against the death penalty (& above punitive childish vengence B.S.) I think a reasonable sentece would be life in prison, not the death penalty...