The coolest thing happened to my freinds boss that called Whitney Houston a ni**er...

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May 12, 2002
Okay, look.....
1. Im not sayin its cool for someone to die.
2. Im not sayin anything cool about her calling someone a "n" word.

A. I AM sayin its cool how it worked out that she was buried during the funeral after what she said.
B. I mean come on, shes already dead, shes already said what she said, dont you think its a cool coincidence (or is it not a coincidence?)

My boy didnt say how she died. But it was at her home in her sleep.
Apr 25, 2002
Snubnoze said:
Lotta white people are ignorant when it comes to racism, it ain't their fault that they were raised being taught that black people are bad or inferior or whatever.
Just like it aint a serial killers fault that he gets off on murdering people? Or a rapists fault that he "just gets down like that"? I hope the bitch died a painful death. People who hate others because of the color of their skin deserve to be lined up and shot.
May 5, 2002
YoungVicious you don't understand the point I'm making. A lot of black folks use the defense when confronted with crime in the black comunity that they are all put in poverty and doing crime is just something they learned. my point was tho that a lot of white children are taught as kids and as they grow up that racism is right. What it all comes down to is people have to be accountable for their actions. Now sorry if I don't think ignorance should be punishable by death, it should be cured by education...
Apr 25, 2002
Snubnoze said:
YoungVicious you don't understand the point I'm making. A lot of black folks use the defense when confronted with crime in the black comunity that they are all put in poverty and doing crime is just something they learned. my point was tho that a lot of white children are taught as kids and as they grow up that racism is right. What it all comes down to is people have to be accountable for their actions. Now sorry if I don't think ignorance should be punishable by death, it should be cured by education...
You actually got good points....Im glad to see some people are mature enough to have an intelligent, respectful disagreement on this board. Back to your second sentence though. I dont think crime in poor black communities is based on "what they learn". Its a matter of survival. Black folks in those situations are opressed by society and the government, and really have no way of supporting themselves and their family except through crime. "Its hard to choose right from wrong on an empty stomach". And about the ignorance thing being cured by education....c'mon man...its the 21st century. Its a little too late for the excuse of "just being ignorant"....which really has never been a valid excuse in my book.
May 5, 2002
But wouldn't you also credit crime in poor black comunities to ignorance? I understand what your saying, how its a survival tactic, but their are ways that are legal to get out of the situation. It might be harder, but if they put it on themselves to explore ways to do so it can be done. Like you said "Its hard to choose right from wrong on an empty stomach" its also "hard to choose right from wrong on a full stomach of hate". ya gotta look at both sides...

But I do agree, ignorance is not an excuse, its only a reason, and it can be fixed. I am sure there are numerous cases were kids grew up in racist families and came out alright. for example, my family isn't racist, but I do see some racist things being said based out of ignorance by my grandparents and father, but If I sit back, I can see that my father is less ignorant then his parents, and I am less ignorant then he is. And I credit that all to education and exposure.
May 12, 2002
1. Lack of education
2. Survival

1. Education comes from a learning experience correct? So then seeing can be believing when its a cold hard fact, or first hand experience right? So they are educated enough to know. You dont need to look in a book or even sit in a school to see what happens when you do a crime. Im sure anyone doing crime in the ghetto is closely associated with another man/woman doing crime. If one gets caught, the other learns what happens; jail time or death. It is no lack of education.

2. Survival in the world requires food, shelter, and clothes. We have added money to be the nuber one psudo-necessity tho. Well if you have no money you dont die automatically. A quick way to get more money back is crime, true. But when you look at how many places there are to work, and the opportunities there are for people to open legit, legal stores, what is it really then? Lazyness.
Crime=fast, more money + risk of jail and death.
Job=be at work when needed, lesser money + skills to move away from surroundings of jail and death.
You dont get much to put on a resume from having no real job. Sure you dont have to wake up at 8 to sell drugs, but you also dont have to wake up at 8 to hear your kid got shot accidentally cause you were too lazy to "get up get out and get something".

1. Role models doing crime (peers, older folks, movies)
2. Lazyness.
Apr 25, 2002
Snubnoze: Youre right....ignorance isnt an excuse but it is an explanation.

Blight: I usually agree with alot of the shit u say...but I think youre wrong on this one. No offense intended but answer me this: Do you have a family to feed, house, and provide clothes to, but are held from getting an adequate legal income to do it because of your social status and the color of your skin? Cuz if not, you have no right to judge people who are in that situation. The only jobs really available to folks in the hood are shitty, minimum wage 9-5 jobs that arent near enough to support a family. So theyre lazy for choosing the only method they have of giving their family a better life?
May 3, 2002
YoungVicious said:
The only jobs really available to folks in the hood are shitty, minimum wage 9-5 jobs that arent near enough to support a family. So theyre lazy for choosing the only method they have of giving their family a better life?

You bust your ass to provide for your family working as many of those shitty 9-5 jobs as you possibly can, because any real man knows that you are doing more harm than good for your family by turning to other means of getting money.
Most people only realize this after the fact when they are on a strech of course and by then it's too late.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Originally posted by Deep Thought:
So either you were trying to bribe your boss for a day off with a few hubbas or you're a crack head that needed to see your not-so-famous dealer in person?

Your command of the english language leaves much to be desired.
Dear, so touchy. I apologize. Next time i'll take care in grammar, punctuation, participles, tenses, run ons, and all those funny things that make english buffs so squirmy.
May 12, 2002
Well like it was recently stated, you need to try to keep your family out of harms way by being legal.

As for my family, color, education, and location...

FAMILLY planned to have a kid. Me. Well they prepared, and no we didnt start out in some rich neighborhood. I did have all the things i needed cause my dad busted out hours at his drug company, which was a legal manufacturer. Then we actually got a house. It was not a rich area, but it was a more decent school than New Jersey ghetto shit.

SCHOOL i never gave 2 shits about. I still kept a clean record. I had hobbies and went thru my highschool years out of trouble, yes on drugs, but also totally legal income. Now im in college, i have money my dad left me for school, but i got hella bills. I spend wisely, i dont blow money.

COLOR. well if i was in Turkey maybe id have troubles, but i live in the USA, where i fir in with most peoples standards of whiteys. But as for where ive lived from the 2nd worst ghetto in Pittsburgh, Terraces of Washington, New Jersey, ive met too many minority folk who work and support famillies. The Hispanics i usually know ALL HAVE JOBS! Men and teens. Some have a few fammilies in one house but they make it.

LOCATION, anywhere ive lived ive gotten a job. Any neighbor ive had got one when he looked. Sure it takes work tho. like this guy who i lived next to in my old place, he was an ex-pimp. Like 60 years old, black, and dressed so out of style. He found jobs whenever he quit one. he didnt work steady for his own reasons, but when hed need money, he go find a legal job.

IF YOU READ THAT THANKS. I can tell you from anyone ive known in the projects they can make it. Such as my ol girls familly 1mother, 8kids. they make it.