I think the faded out redish pink coloring should be changed to a darker red, or atleast some parts darker, and the face in the upper corner needs to be atleast downsized some because it goes over "cut out" look, and the XIV's in all the texts looks like it's a bad attempt to "shatter" the font, but I like the idea to not have a huge XIV in the middle... otherwise I like it, I wouldn't add the features, since they're always on the tracklisten, and everyone flips the cd over to look at the tracklisting anyway
but Rid Bone sit down and take some time and figure out photoshop first, you need to spend more time playin' around with things and less time posting your cd covers, it really shows you don't spend much time or effort on it..
and I've never understood the Bloods/Crips thing so I'll just leave that for someone else