DaytonFamily said:
No such thing as eternal life, when u die, u die aint shit after that. No reward for being good in life, no punishment for being bad in life. U die then your a fucking corpse in the ground and thats it.
define "good" and "bad". If there is no punishment then why are you prone to suffer? Why have you taken birth here at all?
Which part of this corpse are you now?
DaytonFamily said:
HUMANS do not have a soul, im so sick of hearing this. If we had one where is it?
When the sun's rays are coming through your window, is it so much important to know where exactly the sun is situated? Regardless, you know that the sun is there. Like sunshine is the symptom of the sun globe, consciousness is the symptom of the soul. If you negate your own concsiousness, then why should I do otherwise? Why should I even regard these things you say?
DaytonFamily said:
People dont think animals have souls. Why? Cause we build things and are more advanced than they are? They can think, they have emotions, they feel pain as we do. But once they die there just a corpse, all dogs dont go to heaven.
First of all, why even bring up whether animals have a soul or not if you do not accept that a soul exists at all?
Still I will answer your question... It is not a fact that only humans have a soul. Soul means life. If it lives it IS soul, not that it has a soul. It is soul. You, as a human, have the developed consciousness necessary to understand these things, whereas animals don't. That is the distinction between human and animal life. Constitutionally, consciousness is pure, but it is only used to the capacity of the body it indwells. That means the soul of a man or a dog is the same, only that one form reflects that consciousness somewhat more clearly than the other.
DaytonFamily said:
No one has any proof that anything happens or even warrants that an afterlife exists. But hey if im wrong then I guess ill burn in a pool of fire for eternity because i live in a time where I can only believe in what I can see. If there was an all knowing being, if he loves his creations he would of not let us discover science, because of this i cant believe in anything happens after we die.
In this case, modern science has no position. Therefore, "discovering science" has nothing to do with your inacceptance of the soul, because science cannot prove that it does or does not exist. Just like the existence of God, science cannot touch. Oftenly because of that they jump to conclusions that because material science cannot observe it, it does not exist. They want to make all things under their jurisdiction. That is scientists trying to be God. Think about that. That is atheists trying to be what they deny exists. And then they have the audacity to continue flapping their lips all kinds of nonsense.
DaytonFamily said:
Many times I have asked God to show me something, anything, I didnt ask anything unreasonable. Many times in my early teens I struggled with the idea of God, in everytime I would "pray" to him in a dark room asking for some sign, I asked for him to make the lights turn on. Nothing ever happened. Nothing ever happens to show signs of a all knowing being. No miracles, no acts of God. Just old books that historians can poke holes in all day.
Unfortunately, you are not all knowing, therefore you have no power to see such "signs". It is not that you are completely without capability to see them, but that your vision is impaired.
But first just try to understand the logic...
choose your premise:
1) knowledge comes from ignorance.
2) knowledge comes from knowledge.
If you accept 1, then we can speak nothing but ignorance. Therefore, why continue?
If you accept 2, then understand that you are only somewhat knowledgable. Therefore, you cannot say that you are the reservoir of knowledge. Furthermore, you must accept that such a thing exists in some form or another. God is the reservoir of knowledge. You cannot account for your mere existence. But you must accept based on this premise that such an account exists, and that such an existence is never devoid of knowledge.