How about Bill Cosby's Picture Page shorts?
Or even the Cosby Show where the family is singing "Night And Day" and Rudy comes out singin "Baybayyyy!!!!"
Or Denises boyfriend watching a Reggae video and starts singing that Rasta shit.... by the way, Denise was fine than a mutha fucka.
Or remember Buster & Me, it was like Ape puppets on channel 4 saturday mornings... then theres always "Home Turf", that shit was dope.
Then theres Paul from the Diamond Center doing his "Soul Man" advertisment, driving a convertable in the rain.
OK though, this is obscure, but does anybody remember on KBHK channel 44 they used to play a local commercial about some handicap hospital or some shit and at the end a retarded girl goes "THANK YOU FOR THE HELP, THAT I LIKE IT" all Corky sounding and shit. Me and my friends use to crack the fuck up at the end of that commercial!
Or going way back, does anybody remember this local commercial, I believe it was on channel 44, where its some dude with a jheri curl rappin all uncomfortable in front of the camera about drunk driving. And at the end he's like, "Betta stay alive and dont drink and driiiiive" I swear that shit had an Oakland, Ant Banks sounding beat playing behind it. Anyone remember? This was like '86.