you aint even american so how you gonna talk to me about anything
the word oklahoma literally means "land of the red man" but its full of bitter white people. you right, oil money is strong.
tulsa got dough. but they burned down black wall street.
EVERY COUNTY in oklahoma voted against obama.
THE ONLY state in the union that went 100% against him.
honestly i dont know how i ended up out here 10 years lol
fuckin okie tourist just enjoying the ride.
that being said, id rather raise a family in oklahoma than california.
the midwest is full of good people and good food.
at least you can buy a house with a fucking lawn and a backyard and not need half a million dollars.
im lookin at dallas and austin
edit: lol about cali gang shit .. i blame california directly for that shit. them niggas literally came out there in the 80s and set up shop. what you think gon happen? everybody love that gangsta swag