That’s all I got to say about religion.

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Jul 21, 2004
How could anyone believe in a religion…that’s “influenced” billions of people to kill, cheat, steal, rape, and destroy other civilizations and cultures?????

Before any European “influences” ...other countries had no idea about Christianity, yet they lived prosperously and joyously to creating their own concepts of their existence. They developed civilizations with beautiful cultures, cities, and amazing human creativity. Tapping into the minds of how people in general can and should do what ever they want with regards to natural life, social order, individual style, as well as community perspective. All over the world each country has divided ways of thinking; LA is different from SF which is different from TX which is different from NY…same in cities in Europe, Asia, and across the globe. Countries have the right to their own cultures just as people have the right to think. The belief that would insinuate, influence, and look down on other cultures, destroy differences outside your own, and force everyone to follow one belief should never be taken seriously. Is this really a concept of what everyone should do to each other? …sounds ridiculously insane knowing other cultures exist and flourish without this one belief!

Christianity, well known, and old religions are ultimately an influence by a human idea, created thousands of years ago, by some guy who’s learned how to read, write, and talk a good sales story to a mass of poor people where the majority of them couldn’t read or write back …passing on this idea to all generations (i.e. wall mart generation)….As we all have experience and seen through history …tradition and belief will change or die.

This book titled the Bible about a God who condemns other people for believing another way, authorized people to kill, torture, rape, blundered, steal, eliminate, and destroy cultures in the name of GOD (theory), that uses astronomical ghost stories to scary the be Jesus out of them (no pun intended) in hopes that their mental weakness will identify him as their leader or guide, who have people believe he created everything in one day using a fireworks show in the beginning to get their attention. ….who also wrote about his crazy and not so bright friends that hung out with him …this is where the your belief comes from and trusting that this is how life is all about, right??? A ghost story haunting the world ---turned into a religion. You think my belief is wrong because I’d rather believe in real people supporting and believing in me, my own paths, and taking my own responsibility in my decisions……but your belief have but one meaning: LIFE is for GOD and LIFE is only by GOD….

Overall you use this belief to cover your ass because at some point in your life you will feel you have no control over it…. It’s an easy way to blame someone or something else for your mistakes (right?). This book even went all out to thinking ahead in making sure TO THANK him/her/it for the physical and mental hard work YOU did…. just incase later on in life something else turns out bad you still go to him/her/it for help instead of doing what you should do...its procratinators dream… about the devil & hell well that’s another excuse for the physical and mental disorders of human beings AND a good fear tactic to control the mass should people stray from this belief……honestly the guy(s) that wrote the bible deserves a Nobel prize in creative writing and social logy.

“GOD has a purpose”….its a great escape goat, don’t you think?….If the results of your actions isn’t what you expected…all any of you have to keep telling yourselves is….”GOD wanted me to go through it”……. I deserve to be rich, poor, sick, dying because of GOD ….I’m better than you, because I believe in GOD…I raped a little girl, so I can become a born again Christian because of GOD… GOD deserve to have gold and diamonds…– BECAUSE OF GOD__________(fill-in blanks) ________________

To save yourself ALL you need to do is sell your life to GOD and anything that you do wrong you can blame on GOD…. You’ll be free to do anything just as long as you use the GOD card ….and for a limited time if you pay $1 at a church…should you still have to go to hell….your punishment will only be terrible…but not horrific….SO believe in the LORD that you can burn a building in the name of GOD, you can KILL in the name of GOD…you can treat people like shit in the name of GOD….you can destroy a whole culture in the name of GOD…you can even kill your family (who don’t believe) in the name of God…just by giving him your soul and life. (wink, wink)

-- Who are the followers, the easily influenced, the weak, and the slaves to a book and character a person/people wrote along time ago? Who are the ones without a strong mind of their own to take control of his or her own life without believing in a symbol to blame or dictate it?

You’re in a cult in praying to this idea from a book….You worship a symbol (of what??), you advertise and finance a cult to spread their “ways”, you FOLLOW a book from another culture, another continent, other language, another time, and another way of life and some how it relates to your whole life. YOU FOLLOW instead of LEAD… (Isn’t that a weak mind)…...YET you believe the people who don’t believe the same as you as the ones that are lost… evil…wrong…idiots….and going to hell…This belief makes you think that way about people???…how could you accept this way of thinking…how could you treat people like this…. because of this book YOU ARE superior over other people?!? Now, you’ve gone and lost it.

It sounds pretty ludicrous to me.

If it gets you off to believing YOU COULD ONLY BE A GOOD PERSON if you believe just this one thought or idea…. instead of JUST believing in the good of people and cultures NO MATTER where they come from, who they interact with, what they believe, and how they do certain things…then it’s a sad belief to believe in.

That’s all I got to say about religion.
Sep 28, 2004
A lot of people forget that society is based on human to human interaction, not the supreme decisions of some creating force. I'd rather meet a man who gives his coat to the cold and homeless out of the kindess of his OWN heart, than a man who puts a dollar in the collection plate on Sunday so he feels like God saw him do it .


Apr 25, 2002
Merciedez said:
How could anyone believe in a religion…that’s “influenced” billions of people to kill, cheat, steal, rape, and destroy other civilizations and cultures?????

Before any European “influences” ...other countries had no idea about Christianity, yet they lived prosperously and joyously to creating their own concepts of their existence. They developed civilizations with beautiful cultures, cities, and amazing human creativity. Tapping into the minds of how people in general can and should do what ever they want with regards to natural life, social order, individual style, as well as community perspective. All over the world each country has divided ways of thinking; LA is different from SF which is different from TX which is different from NY…same in cities in Europe, Asia, and across the globe. Countries have the right to their own cultures just as people have the right to think. The belief that would insinuate, influence, and look down on other cultures, destroy differences outside your own, and force everyone to follow one belief should never be taken seriously. Is this really a concept of what everyone should do to each other? …sounds ridiculously insane knowing other cultures exist and flourish without this one belief!

Christianity, well known, and old religions are ultimately an influence by a human idea, created thousands of years ago, by some guy who’s learned how to read, write, and talk a good sales story to a mass of poor people where the majority of them couldn’t read or write back …passing on this idea to all generations (i.e. wall mart generation)….As we all have experience and seen through history …tradition and belief will change or die.

This book titled the Bible about a God who condemns other people for believing another way, authorized people to kill, torture, rape, blundered, steal, eliminate, and destroy cultures in the name of GOD (theory), that uses astronomical ghost stories to scary the be Jesus out of them (no pun intended) in hopes that their mental weakness will identify him as their leader or guide, who have people believe he created everything in one day using a fireworks show in the beginning to get their attention. ….who also wrote about his crazy and not so bright friends that hung out with him …this is where the your belief comes from and trusting that this is how life is all about, right??? A ghost story haunting the world ---turned into a religion. You think my belief is wrong because I’d rather believe in real people supporting and believing in me, my own paths, and taking my own responsibility in my decisions……but your belief have but one meaning: LIFE is for GOD and LIFE is only by GOD….

Overall you use this belief to cover your ass because at some point in your life you will feel you have no control over it…. It’s an easy way to blame someone or something else for your mistakes (right?). This book even went all out to thinking ahead in making sure TO THANK him/her/it for the physical and mental hard work YOU did…. just incase later on in life something else turns out bad you still go to him/her/it for help instead of doing what you should do...its procratinators dream… about the devil & hell well that’s another excuse for the physical and mental disorders of human beings AND a good fear tactic to control the mass should people stray from this belief……honestly the guy(s) that wrote the bible deserves a Nobel prize in creative writing and social logy.

“GOD has a purpose”….its a great escape goat, don’t you think?….If the results of your actions isn’t what you expected…all any of you have to keep telling yourselves is….”GOD wanted me to go through it”……. I deserve to be rich, poor, sick, dying because of GOD ….I’m better than you, because I believe in GOD…I raped a little girl, so I can become a born again Christian because of GOD… GOD deserve to have gold and diamonds…– BECAUSE OF GOD__________(fill-in blanks) ________________

To save yourself ALL you need to do is sell your life to GOD and anything that you do wrong you can blame on GOD…. You’ll be free to do anything just as long as you use the GOD card ….and for a limited time if you pay $1 at a church…should you still have to go to hell….your punishment will only be terrible…but not horrific….SO believe in the LORD that you can burn a building in the name of GOD, you can KILL in the name of GOD…you can treat people like shit in the name of GOD….you can destroy a whole culture in the name of GOD…you can even kill your family (who don’t believe) in the name of God…just by giving him your soul and life. (wink, wink)

-- Who are the followers, the easily influenced, the weak, and the slaves to a book and character a person/people wrote along time ago? Who are the ones without a strong mind of their own to take control of his or her own life without believing in a symbol to blame or dictate it?

You’re in a cult in praying to this idea from a book….You worship a symbol (of what??), you advertise and finance a cult to spread their “ways”, you FOLLOW a book from another culture, another continent, other language, another time, and another way of life and some how it relates to your whole life. YOU FOLLOW instead of LEAD… (Isn’t that a weak mind)…...YET you believe the people who don’t believe the same as you as the ones that are lost… evil…wrong…idiots….and going to hell…This belief makes you think that way about people???…how could you accept this way of thinking…how could you treat people like this…. because of this book YOU ARE superior over other people?!? Now, you’ve gone and lost it.

It sounds pretty ludicrous to me.

If it gets you off to believing YOU COULD ONLY BE A GOOD PERSON if you believe just this one thought or idea…. instead of JUST believing in the good of people and cultures NO MATTER where they come from, who they interact with, what they believe, and how they do certain things…then it’s a sad belief to believe in.

That’s all I got to say about religion.

Your entire post is total bullshit. I'm going to give you an old school heresy reply
May 13, 2002
Good post. I don’t have much time to reply myself, but I agree with a lot of what you said.

CannibalCrow said:
I'd rather meet a man who gives his coat to the cold and homeless out of the kindess of his OWN heart, than a man who puts a dollar in the collection plate on Sunday so he feels like God saw him do it .
For real


Apr 25, 2002
How could anyone believe in a religion…that’s “influenced” billions of people to kill, cheat, steal, rape, and destroy other civilizations and cultures?????

How could anyone drive a car when people die in car accidents? How can blacks live side by side with white americans after 400+ years of oppression? BTW what nationality were the majority of people who promoted the religion that has "influenced" billions of people to kill, cheat, steal, rape, and destroy other civilizations and cultures?

Before any European “influences” ...other countries had no idea about Christianity

If you were to research christianity and religion you would see your claim is false and without merit. Yes, the majority of christianity was spread in the west by europeans BUT other people had christianity BEFORE the euro influence. Once again research the religion and origins.

Countries have the right to their own cultures just as people have the right to think. The belief that would insinuate, influence, and look down on other cultures, destroy differences outside your own, and force everyone to follow one belief should never be taken seriously. Is this really a concept of what everyone should do to each other? …sounds ridiculously insane knowing other cultures exist and flourish without this one belief!

Christianity is not the ROOT of the problem.

Christianity, well known, and old religions are ultimately an influence by a human idea, created thousands of years ago, by some guy who’s learned how to read, write, and talk a good sales story to a mass of poor people where the majority of them couldn’t read or write back

1. Who is this "guy" that created all of this?

2. Do you care to elaborate on the religions/doctrines that were created by the rich and elite (educated) FOR the rich and elite (educated) ONLY?

This book titled the Bible about a God who condemns other people for believing another way, authorized people to kill, torture, rape, blundered, steal, eliminate, and destroy cultures in the name of GOD (theory), that uses astronomical ghost stories to scary the be Jesus out of them (no pun intended) in hopes that their mental weakness will identify him as their leader or guide, who have people believe he created everything in one day using a fireworks show in the beginning to get their attention. ….who also wrote about his crazy and not so bright friends that hung out with him …this is where the your belief comes from and trusting that this is how life is all about, right??? A ghost story haunting the world ---turned into a religion. You think my belief is wrong because I’d rather believe in real people supporting and believing in me, my own paths, and taking my own responsibility in my decisions……but your belief have but one meaning: LIFE is for GOD and LIFE is only by GOD….

Simple question. Have you actually read the bible for yourself?

Overall you use this belief to cover your ass because at some point in your life you will feel you have no control over it…. It’s an easy way to blame someone or something else for your mistakes (right?).

Actually the bible teaches one to take responsibility for ones own actions. Once again have you read the bible or attempted to do any research on it?

This book even went all out to thinking ahead in making sure TO THANK him/her/it for the physical and mental hard work YOU did…. just incase later on in life something else turns out bad you still go to him/her/it for help instead of doing what you should do...its procratinators dream… about the devil & hell well that’s another excuse for the physical and mental disorders of human beings AND a good fear tactic to control the mass should people stray from this belief……honestly the guy(s) that wrote the bible deserves a Nobel prize in creative writing and social logy

Once again have you read the bible or done any research relevent to the bible and teh various dogmas/doctrines it gave birth to?

“GOD has a purpose”….its a great escape goat, don’t you think?….If the results of your actions isn’t what you expected…all any of you have to keep telling yourselves is….”GOD wanted me to go through it”……. I deserve to be rich, poor, sick, dying because of GOD ….I’m better than you, because I believe in GOD…I raped a little girl, so I can become a born again Christian because of GOD… GOD deserve to have gold and diamonds…– BECAUSE OF GOD__________(fill-in blanks) ________________

See the above.

To save yourself ALL you need to do is sell your life to GOD and anything that you do wrong you can blame on GOD…

Thats not what the bible teaches. Some people who have misconstrued it may promote that as a type of dogma but thats not scriptural.

….”GOD wanted me to go through it”……. I deserve to be rich, poor, sick, dying because of GOD

Actually it teaches that we are in these conditions because of the choices we or others have made in life.

I’m better than you, because I believe in GOD

The bible teaches ALL have sinned. You are no better than the persoon who believes in god and vice versa.

I raped a little girl, so I can become a born again Christian because of GOD… GOD deserve to have gold and diamonds…– BECAUSE OF GOD__________(fill-in blanks) ________________

The bible does not make excuses for those who kill and become "born again". If you've read the bible (something I don't think you've ever done) can you explain what it says about sin and how one should cease sinning? I look forward to your answer.

and for a limited time if you pay $1 at a church

Most require a tithe of 10%. Money tithes are not scriptural.

SO believe in the LORD that you can burn a building in the name of GOD, you can KILL in the name of GOD…you can treat people like shit in the name of GOD….you can destroy a whole culture in the name of GOD…you can even kill your family (who don’t believe) in the name of God…just by giving him your soul and life. (wink, wink)

In the bible Yeshua spoke about those who do those things in the name of god. Can you elaborate on his teachings and his views on the subject of those who do ill in the name of god?

-- Who are the followers, the easily influenced, the weak, and the slaves to a book and character a person/people wrote along time ago? Who are the ones without a strong mind of their own to take control of his or her own life without believing in a symbol to blame or dictate it?

The REAL followers are none of the above. The ones you're describing are the reprobate.

You’re in a cult in praying to this idea from a book….You worship a symbol (of what??), you advertise and finance a cult to spread their “ways”, you FOLLOW a book from another culture, another continent, other language, another time, and another way of life and some how it relates to your whole life.

I think you should focus your attention on those who have misconstrued the scriptures for gain. I don't pray to an idea from a book nor do I worship a symbol. Many people follow things from other cultures and languages. Does that make it right or wrong? The right or wrong comes from the USE or ABUSE of the knowledge or lack of knowledge. Have you turned your attention to the messenger?

YOU FOLLOW instead of LEAD… (Isn’t that a weak mind)…...
This is true for the average "christian" (and american).

YET you believe the people who don’t believe the same as you as the ones that are lost… evil…wrong…idiots….and going to hell…This belief makes you think that way about people???…

Have you considered the sheep that are not of this fold and the disciples who were not disciples of Yeshua but were condemned by followers? Are you familiar with what he told his followers?

how could you accept this way of thinking…how could you treat people like this…. because of this book YOU ARE superior over other people?!? Now, you’ve gone and lost it.

Blame the messenger and the weak willed person who does not have the inclination to read and research for themselves.

If it gets you off to believing YOU COULD ONLY BE A GOOD PERSON if you believe just this one thought or idea…. instead of JUST believing in the good of people and cultures NO MATTER where they come from, who they interact with, what they believe, and how they do certain things…then it’s a sad belief to believe in.

Thats not what the bible teaches. It actually promotes believing in the good of people and cultures no matter where they come from, who they interact with etc. Have you read about Yeshua and his parable about the good samaritan?

That’s all I got to say about religion.

Your attack seems to be more directed towards christianity and not "religion". Have you read scriptures from the muslim, hindu, christian and jewish sects? What is your take on pagans?


ps I'm a NON-christian.
Jan 2, 2003
God said blacks were an infereior race and were made to be slaves...

God gave the English the divine right to kill Native Americans and take their land...

Thats all i got to say abour religion...
Jul 21, 2004
When humans base their life on one “concept or idea” they’ve restricted the human conception of unlimited intellectual power in gaining unlimited knowledge from all sources of the universe. You derive facts…if and only if you can assimilate a comparison (good or bad) from that one concept, which stops the flow of human comprehension. (Please, don’t read too much into anything written, discussed, or factually identified to be facts.)

The arguments (pros-cons) of religion contradiction every form and development of life on earth. It must not set forth that one way of life is ever better than another in any shape or form. If we want to really begin to think and discuss the purpose of religion on a scale of universal function you will find religion has only crippled the respectability of human interactions. Humans will never accept human from depriving them of their beliefs in Christianity, Muslims, Hindus, etc…so to argue which religion is right you are perpetuating our lack of coming together as a world nation… you’d rather separate from the people for your belief then have a concept in believing on and for each other. Religion will eventually force us to hate or kill each other based on our beliefs.

Look, our conceptions of informations will be vast and unpresident thoughout our why limit your mind from all that you learn to argue for one a belief.

I don’t know about you, but religion clogs my mind with nonsense and negative views about people I hardly even know…it’s a forum to shit talk about people in general.


Apr 25, 2002
Merciedez said:
When humans base their life on one “concept or idea” they’ve restricted the human conception of unlimited intellectual power in gaining unlimited knowledge from all sources of the universe. You derive facts…if and only if you can assimilate a comparison (good or bad) from that one concept, which stops the flow of human comprehension. (Please, don’t read too much into anything written, discussed, or factually identified to be facts.)

The arguments (pros-cons) of religion contradiction every form and development of life on earth. It must not set forth that one way of life is ever better than another in any shape or form. If we want to really begin to think and discuss the purpose of religion on a scale of universal function you will find religion has only crippled the respectability of human interactions. Humans will never accept human from depriving them of their beliefs in Christianity, Muslims, Hindus, etc…so to argue which religion is right you are perpetuating our lack of coming together as a world nation… you’d rather separate from the people for your belief then have a concept in believing on and for each other. Religion will eventually force us to hate or kill each other based on our beliefs.

Look, our conceptions of informations will be vast and unpresident thoughout our why limit your mind from all that you learn to argue for one a belief.

I don’t know about you, but religion clogs my mind with nonsense and negative views about people I hardly even know…it’s a forum to shit talk about people in general.

Skin tone has lead to hate and killing. Should everyone make an attempt to become one skin tone? The majority of religious atrocities can probably be placed on what nationality or group as a whole? Should we do away with those people?

YOU have no point. I would accept your arguement if you had any inclination of the subject matter but so far you've shown me nothing. Before you can attempt to think or discuss religion you should research it. Research why a paticular religion or dogma was created, who created it, political climate, cultural needs etc etc etc. In doing so you'll be able to present your arguement and have some validation, because right now its coming off as a rant without merit: "I don't like religion its bad, its killed people, blame them".

I'll just go ahead and have you prove my point with this:

Simple question. Have you actually read the bible for yourself?

If the answer is YES why have you attributed so many falsehoods to it?

If the answer is NO why have you made a thread bashing something you know nothing about?

Sep 28, 2004
I've got friends of every walk of life, and of different religions. And as long as no one begins to preach, it's all cool. Any religion can have certain members who claim to follow it and set a bad example. I have no religion, and to many I am considered amoral and hell-bound. They can think that as long as they do not throw rocks at me. I am so tired of having rocks hurled at me. My mother is studying to become an Episcopal priest and I am happy for her. I may not follow that way of life, but it makes her happy. My friend is an atheist and that's that. I try to deal with people on a person to person basis. It's easy to pick apart Christianity, but I won't because I only know very little about the Bible. With out ammunition I cannot fire. And, yes, sometimes I ponder the validity of others' belief systems and wonder how they can accept it.. But I've learned from experience that if you expect tolerance of your own beliefs, that you exhibit tolerance for others. Everyone slips though, and I say some weird shit that contradicts my own tolerance system. But my basic thoughts still center around the fact that man needs to learn to take care of man on a hands on level, and not leave it up to divine force.
May 13, 2002
HERESY said:
Skin tone has lead to hate and killing. Should everyone make an attempt to become one skin tone? The majority of religious atrocities can probably be placed on what nationality or group as a whole? Should we do away with those people?


People choose what they believe in, but they can't choose their race/ethnicity or skin tone.
Mar 9, 2005
I've gotta go with Merciedez on this one. What I gather from your rebuttal Heresy is that most of the people who have promoted and practiced christianity have mis-interpreted the bible (or just interpreted it differently to you). However, most of what is written in the bible is open to interpretation, which has been the cause of several intra-religious 'wars' and the formation of several alternative religions which, although using the same bible as their guide, have produced different and competing 'world-views'. I've read the 'good book', and theres no way I could take it seriously - it's simply a nifty fairy-tale.

- just out of interest Merciedez, do you believe in God but simply don't like religion (mans portrayal of God), or do you not believe in God full stop?


Apr 25, 2002
People choose what they believe in, but they can't choose their race/ethnicity or skin tone.
It's obvious you're missing the point. People choose to believe they are superior. People will always find a way to promote themselves above others. It's done in politics, religion, education etc. What I simply gather from the original poster is "religion is bad, it causes wars, it causes people to have a superiority complex, throw it out". What about all the other ideologies that have been misconstrued and lead to wars and wrong doings? No, a person can't choose their race or skin tone, BUT they can choose to believe they are superior based on race and skin tone. They take culture and pride to the extreme. Do you understand now? Excellent.

@ Hutch:

I've gotta go with Merciedez on this one.

Thats great.

What I gather from your rebuttal Heresy is that most of the people who have promoted and practiced christianity have mis-interpreted the bible (or just interpreted it differently to you).

Partially true except you're not getting the entire scope of things. Yes, most of the people who have promoted and practicied christianity have mis-interpreted the bible but it has NOTHING to do with how I interpret it.

However, most of what is written in the bible is open to interpretation

Actually this is not true. People open it to interpretation when THEY want certain aspects to benefit them (tithing for example).

which has been the cause of several intra-religious 'wars' and the formation of several alternative religions which, although using the same bible as their guide, have produced different and competing 'world-views'

Read my previous statement. It's also led to the destruction of Afrikans by europeans (slavery). So what should you do? Do away with the message or the messenger? You can say do away with the message (which is basically what the thread starter is doing) but what about accountability when it comes to the messenger? For hundreds of years the bible (an other scriptures) were considered too holy for the common person to read. What did you get as a result of that discrimination? If the blind lead the blind what will happen?!?!?!

The bible has not caused wars. PEOPLE have caused wars. People who have knowledge but lack the ability to spread the knowledge or apply the knowledge have caused wars. A bible in YOUR hand is simply a book in your hand. A bible in Jim Jones hand is DEATH. However a bible in the hand of a righteous man who wants to do good may bring LIFE.

What does the bible say about intra religious wars, the formation of alternate religions and people using the scriptures for gain? You've read the bible right? What does it say about those things?

I've read the 'good book', and theres no way I could take it seriously - it's simply a nifty fairy-tale.
Thats great that you've read it but have you actually researched and studied it? You can read it all day but if you don't understand what it is you're reading it wont make sense. No it doesn't take a rocket scientist to read it but to understand it two things must be present. It's OBVIOUS that you lack both. I seriously doubt you've read the bible in context, used common sense while doing it, used the bible to interpret the bible, refrained from passing judgement on passages you didn't understand, read it in english AND the original languages, all while not serving your own agenda.

You won't understand it. In your eyes it will appear as a comic book or nifty fairy-tale. What you seek is what you found. Very simple.

May 13, 2002
HERESY said:
It's obvious you're missing the point. People choose to believe they are superior. People will always find a way to promote themselves above others. It's done in politics, religion, education etc. What I simply gather from the original poster is "religion is bad, it causes wars, it causes people to have a superiority complex, throw it out". What about all the other ideologies that have been misconstrued and lead to wars and wrong doings? No, a person can't choose their race or skin tone, BUT they can choose to believe they are superior based on race and skin tone. They take culture and pride to the extreme. Do you understand now? Excellent.

I understand you're point and it's true. People can choose to believe that they are superior and they do. But like you said, Religion (Christianity) had a part to do with this in the past. People who didn't believe in it were thought of as uneducated and less than human. I'm not saying that religion is wrong, but it has made people do fucked up things.
Jul 21, 2004

My point exactly by your responses and to argue on religion to have a vital existence for humans...You can't deny that this thread has turn to an argument proving religion as an outlet for hate and negative interactions to humans. To further prolong its “need” in society you sabotage human development.
Jul 21, 2004
I grew up catholic in a religious family (so I read a couple version of the bible)….I’ve also read-seen-spoken-listened-interacted in my life so far millions of human interactions and feelings. The bible has outstanding meanings in regards to what humans are or should be…but the bible is based on a certain type of person..…someone looking for purpose and meaning to their life…The bible is a concept a person can try to be, but you must understand humans can not be put in a box to do just one thought or idea….humans have proved the extensive modification, evaluation, creation, and thought process which can’t be summed up in one book.


Apr 25, 2002
oakraiders9 said:
I understand you're point and it's true. People can choose to believe that they are superior and they do. But like you said, Religion (Christianity) had a part to do with this in the past. People who didn't believe in it were thought of as uneducated and less than human. I'm not saying that religion is wrong, but it has made people do fucked up things.
Once again "religion" has not made people do fucked up things. People have made people do fucked up things. People who design a certain religion do fucked up things. If my religion is simply LOVE GOD and LOVE OTHERS as myself how is that fucked up? With religion you have a case of the blind leading the blind. Blame the messenger or the message?


Apr 25, 2002
Merciedez said:

My point exactly by your responses and to argue on religion to have a vital existence for humans...You can't deny that this thread has turn to an argument proving religion as an outlet for hate and negative interactions to humans. To further prolong its “need” in society you sabotage human development.

1. I don't believe this thread has turned to an "argument". Difference of opinion yes. Arguement? No.

2. I don't think anyone on the planet earth will deny that religion has been a TOOL to establish hate and negative interactions. Look at the slavery of Afrikans if you don't believe it.

3. To no longer prolong its "need" in society may lead to the sabotage of human development. Once again do you blame the message or the messenger?

I grew up catholic in a religious family (so I read a couple version of the bible)….

You were a product of your environment. Did you ever read these things on your own? Do you understand them? If you had knowledge of what you read we would not have this discussion.

You've read a couple of versions of the bible?

Why have you attributed so many falsehoods to it?

I'd like an answer.

I’ve also read-seen-spoken-listened-interacted in my life so far millions of human interactions and feelings.

The avearge 13 year old who has travelled 50 miles from home has most likely done this. Your point?

The bible has outstanding meanings in regards to what humans are or should be…but the bible is based on a certain type of person..…someone looking for purpose and meaning to their life…

WRONG! When I first read the bible I wasn't looking for purpose and meaning to life. Yes some people do it but others (like me) didn't. When I read as many religious and spiritual texts as I could I didn't do it to find meaning to my life.

The bible is a concept a person can try to be,

?!?!?! :confused: How is a book a concept a person can try to be? The teachings in the bible are concepts a person should apply or adhere to? Please clarify.

but you must understand humans can not be put in a box to do just one thought or idea
What if that thought or idea is good? Humans shouldnt do it? You can do one thought or idea if you WANT to. Does that make you good or evil? That depends on whats being done.

humans have proved the extensive modification, evaluation, creation, and thought process which can’t be summed up in one book.

You're right which is why the bible is a collection of books and not actually ONE book.

I like the way you side step questions posed to you. Bravo.

ps this sums it up and I'm out. 1Cr 2:14
Jul 21, 2004
i think the problem you might have is you like to nick-pick at each sentences...without understanding the larger pictures of what was written...(as it show in your posts).

you want me to identify every thing i read about the bible... it would still be meaningless to you...somehow you'd argue my opinion of what was written like what you're doing now...its like telling me to post the bible itself on here....

The bible tells people to be a certain many books...if you have a mind of your own you learn or understand anything anyway you might feel at the itself is an opinion just like the bible. People taking it seriously...the outcome will prevent further intellectual understanding..hence making it difficult to understand other people's opinions and understanding and visual facts.

The way you argue have proven to cause religious war.