Walking into a store and stealing merchandise =/= Downloading a album online
Raping a woman =/= Downloading a album online
You're a fucking idiot. You sound worse than those stupid ass piracy ads they show on DVDs now.
Buying compact discs is for senile people who can't work the internet and thoughtful people who buy as a favor.
Also indeed, wtf @ A CD case squeezing anything. You fail on all levels and I suggest you leave this thread before you continue to humiliate yourself.
You are so far on the "dumb fuck" side of this issue I'm having trouble believing you aren't just screwing around.
Let me put it into terms that you cant throw "=/=" (whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean anyway) next to and think you have some sort of point... Are you somehow doing society a favor by abiding by a certain moral code of conduct (see the 10 commandments)? Or shouldn't you just be born with the most basic of ethics and try to abide by them?
Straight up, you stole an album that you would have otherwise purchased. Why don't you pay for the cd and just steal the merch when you go to the show? Is that somehow morally reprehensible where downloading and not purchasing the cd is not? Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against dl'n shit, but if I don't buy the cd from the store it's because I never intended to anyway.
No harm no foul.
You on the otherhand, just don't want to pay for the cd.