TERRORIST THOUGHTS + FEELINGS 2002 POLL! Dont be afraid to vote!

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Pick which opinion is closest to yours. VOICE YOURS! Whos gonna know?

  • They were COWARDS plus bastards and shit faces! They acted like pussies by taking out the WTC and c

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • They were dedicated and true believers of their religion... brave men.

    Votes: 13 52.0%

  • Total voters
Apr 26, 2002
We should just stay out of the business of the middle east...the government claims that their jealous of our free way of life, yet you dont see them havin a problem with amsterdam, mexico (kind of a free country), germany etc..
Jan 17, 2003
well I couldn't vote on either of the poll questions because I don't agree with either view...for one they were not cowards - a coward does not put their life in jeopardy for something they believe in [no matter how fucked up a belief it is]! In fact they were quite brave! But let us not confuse bravery with heroism, although bravery is a heroic trait, bravey alone does not make a hero - to me a hero is someone who puts their life in jeopardy to save lives not to destroy them...and sure they might believe they are dedicated and true believers of their religion but I know of no passage in the Holy Quar'an or the Hadiths that say it is alright to fly airplanes into occupied buildings!

As far as the Arabic word "jihad" - no it does NOT mean "holy war" in the strictest sense of the meaning...jihad is more apropriately defined as exerting effort or striving towards a specific goal, it's a struggle...so sure, a jihad CAN be a so-called holy war [although I don't know what about war is "holy"]...in Islam itself [as opposed to the greater Arabic world] the term jihad generally has a more personal meaning - it is the inner struggle of the individual against their own personal egotistic desires for the sake of attaing inner peace.

But what does Islam say about war? Well the Quar'an states:

"Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. God does not love transgressors." (Qur'an 2:190)

"And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for God. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrongdoers." (Qur'an 2:193)

"If they seek peace, then you seek peace. And trust in God for He is the One that hears and knows all things." (Qur'an 8:61)
I don't know if the USA government orchestrated the WTC attacks themselves but much of the blame does fall on them for putting the United Statian people [I know that sounds funny but that is REALLY the proper term since "American" would include Canadians, Mexicans, Central Americans & South Americans!] in this situation...we speak of "collateral damage" but what do we think the WTC attacks were???? We have been terrorizing the Arabic world for decades either directly by bombing civilian communities or indirectly by supporting other terrorist nations such as Israel. [If anybody wants facts I can and will provide them!]

These are sensitive subjects - and comments like I have made can EASILY be twisted by those who would try to read "between the lines" instead of taking such statements at face value...I do not make implications - I say what I mean [in otherwords I write with the literal definition of the word as opposed to it's implied meaning] and I would like to clarify that I am NOT anti-USA, pro-terrorism or bin Laden, anti-Jewish or any of that shit! What I am is anti-hypocrisy. [sorry I had to dedicate a whole paragraph to this but from my experience in other forums I have found it necessary to include such a disclaimer!]

I think Hustle summed it up best...

whether directly or indirectly it is the fault of our government. we finance israel.....that money goes to support the murders of thousands upon thousands of palistinians. it has nothing to do with them being jealous of our "rights" or the fact that britney spears walks around half naked. they are not interested in threatening our "way of life" as the officials say. they just want us to stop funding the murders of their citizens through payola to israel. we had that shit coming.
I would just like to add to her statements that many people around the world and especially in the Arabic world don't like us because of the hypocritical stance we take on freedom. We talk all day about freedom but we seem to only be concerned with our own freedoms. We support oppresive regimes [we supported Sadam Husein for years in fact we even put him into power] for greed. We confuse freedom with materialistic greed and exsessive consumerism...while most people around the world see freedom as liberty from slavery, detainment and oppression we see freedom as the liberty to consume super sized value meals three times a day, buy new shoes every other week and drive our gas guzzlers to the corner bodega for a big gulp and nachos. We make up about 6% of the worlds population yet we use around 30% of the worlds resources - and where do you think those resources come from? Much of them come from third world countries [such as Saudi Arabia - one of our biggest allies and one of the biggest offenders of human rights] where the citizens live in poverty [I mean real poverty - if you are from the "ghetto" you ain't poor!] and the rulers live in oppulence off of American dollars. Now that's some fucked up shit...

Jul 24, 2002
I voted for:
"They were COWARDS plus bastards and shit faces! They acted like pussies by taking out the WTC and civilians!"

Because that is exactly what they are, cowards who attacked civilians instead of the US military....

And in no way were the terrorists acting out of devotion to their religion. The Quran makes it clear that you cannot attack unarmed men and there is no excuse for killing women for that matter. The terrorist clearly broke the rules of Jihad....
They were just a bunch of brain washed rebellious cowards....
May 12, 2002
1 I DID NOT INCLUDE "HERO" in the poll choices.

2. lol @ "United Stations", yeah i guess that does sond correct.

3. ISREAL is a terrist nation depending on the view. If you can find the sources that say they are, i can find the sources who say they arent terrorists. Its all dependant on where you live and your nationality.

4. i do believe a lot on what you say about our presence in arabic lands, and how we present ourselves. we dont stick to our promises either. We fuck a lot up over there.

5. I dont think they were cowards at all.


Apr 25, 2002
i don't know one person here who wasn't talking that shit - because patriotism was the "hip" thing to do
i was told to leave the country,i was cussed out, sent hate mail etc etc etc. all because i said that i wasnt a patriot and i could care less about america.

when i voted i selected the first choice. cowards etc etc etc. why? because the american government,JESUITS,global elite are the ones responsible for the crime. they're the cowards.

someone said the following.
[I mean real poverty - if you are from the "ghetto" you ain't poor!]
you dont know WHO is going without meals every night. you dont know WHO is without running water and electricity. you CANNOT say this person is not poor. i dont know if you have seen REAL ghettos. if you havent maybe you should visit one. you can say "they can seek welfare and section 8 etc etc etc". however MOST people who seek aide are turned away. i think you should look over your statement just a bit. we DONT have tanks smashing homes in america but we do have "wars" in the ghettos.

i suggest you hit new jersey, new york,mississipi,chicago and california before you make a statement like that again.

Jan 17, 2003
1. I did not state that you included "hero" in the poll choices all I said was "let us not confuse bravery with heroism" as many people seem to do.

2. United Stations doesn't only sound correct it is the proper accepted term (i didn't make the word up)...many countries around the world use some variant of the term to describe things that have to do with the United States....Estados Unidos, Etats Unis, etc...

3. I am sorry...when I stated that I can "provide facts" I was referring to facts that support my statements about how the USA has been bombing civilian communities and supporting other countries such as Israel that have been doing the same. I didn't mean that I would provide facts stating that Israel was a terrorist nation, I guess that would be up to the individual to decide from the facts...although I would have to contend, based on the facts, that Israel is a terrorist nation...even many Israelis, including soldiers who refuse to fight, speak out against their own country's treatment of the Palestinian people.

4. Yes, our government...specifically both Bush administrations have made it dangerous for us as US citizens not only in other countries but even in our own country. There was a time when many of these groups who took issue with US foreign policy differentiated between the US govt and US civilians. Many of them who did take issue with US citizens as well still considered American minorities as victims of the US govt so they did not target them...this is not to say that there aren't still people in the Arabic and Islamic world that think it's wrong to target civilians even though they dislike US foreign policy.

5. Nah they weren't cowards...but they were definintely "shit faces" for what they did...

Jul 24, 2002
Blight said:

I dont think they were cowards at all.
Can you explain to me why you think the terrorists were not cowards?
You can tell me a million times that the terrorists had a lot of balls for blowing themselves up but it won't change anything.
These people were brain washed into thinking that they were going to heaven for their actions. It doesn't take any manhood when you have that mentality.
Not only did the terrorists kill innocent civilians,
they attacked from behind without declaring war.
If I have beef with you, I declare it and come after you.
I ain't gonna be blowing your home up in the crack of dawn killing your whole family in the process of taking you out.

Don't get me wrong, I ain't siding with no body here. The US has done numerous cowardly acts as well. I'm just pointing out that the terrorists are pussies.

Jan 17, 2003
you dont know WHO is going without meals every night. you dont know WHO is without running water and electricity. you CANNOT say this person is not poor. i dont know if you have seen REAL ghettos. if you havent maybe you should visit one. you can say "they can seek welfare and section 8 etc etc etc". however MOST people who seek aide are turned away. i think you should look over your statement just a bit. we DONT have tanks smashing homes in america but we do have "wars" in the ghettos.
the "poor" communites in the USA are nothing compared to most of the poverty stricken communities around the world...most "poor" people in the USA do have running water and electricity and if they got it cut off then their neighbor has running water and electricity...the point is most poor peoples around the world don't even have the option to get their water and electricity cut off because running water and electricity simply does not exist in their communities...how many "poor" people (of course homeless excluded) in the USA do you know that have televisions, microwaves, radios, furniture, kool-aid, vcrs, cars, heat, are fat, have eaten at a fast food restaurant in the last week, etc, etc, etc????? there is only one place in the USA that i can think of where the WHOLE community is overwhelmingly poor to the extent to where they can be compared to poor peoples of third world countries and that is in the applacian mountains (the people there are commonly referred to as "hillbillies")...i'm sure there are other such places in the USA but they are far and few inbetween.

I myself am poor...most days i eat at the missions downtown (portland)...i don't have enough money to pay rent so i stay at friend's houses most days and some nights i even have to sleep on the streets...this is only a temporary situation for me but for many around the world they have to live thier whole lives worse than how i currently live...even though i don't have enough money to pay for food i still stay fed while others are almost nothing but skin on bones...oh and i have seen real ghettos - all you have to do is take ONE step out of the san diego city limits into tijauana mexico - now that is a ghetto...now step back over the border into san diego's ghetto and all of a sudden it don't look so ghettoish anymore...

Jan 17, 2003
how many "ghettos" are in portland?
contrary to what many might think some of the biggest "ghettos" are in SE portland...

Not only did the terrorists kill innocent civilians,
they attacked from behind without declaring war.
If I have beef with you, I declare it and come after you.
I ain't gonna be blowing your home up in the crack of dawn killing your whole family in the process of taking you out.

Don't get me wrong, I ain't siding with no body here. The US has done numerous cowardly acts as well. I'm just pointing out that the terrorists are pussies.
I think they attacked the way they did because they do not have the resources to fight a "traditional" war like most developed nations let alone going up against a super power...plus it is not a war of nations it is a war of a group with no particular national ties against an established nation...plus why should they be held to "proper war etiqutte" if, like you stated in your last paragraph, the USA has attacked their peoples in exactly the same way?

the united states government is the biggest terrorist group. they are the ones responsible. not muslims.
muslims as a whole are not responsible but the group who carried out the attacks have to be held responsible...but the US govt also has to take the responsibility for creating the conditions to open us up to such an attack...and yeah i would have to agree that the US govt is the biggest terrorist group followed only by the israeli mossad.

The United Snakes of Amerikkka planned this shit out ahead of time.
i dont think they planned it but if anybody did besides the ones who were blamed then it would be the israeli mossad. they had the most to gain politically and you can see how much they have exploited the attacks for their own propagandist gains.



Apr 25, 2002
how many "poor" people (of course homeless excluded) in the USA do you know that have televisions, microwaves, radios, furniture, kool-aid, vcrs, cars, heat, are fat, have eaten at a fast food restaurant in the last week, etc, etc, etc?????
ok now compare that to your following statement.
I myself am poor...most days i eat at the missions downtown (portland)...i don't have enough money to pay rent so i stay at friend's houses most days and some nights i even have to sleep on the streets
how is it that you are able to have internet access? just curious.
there is only one place in the USA that i can think of where the WHOLE community is overwhelmingly poor to the extent to where they can be compared to poor peoples of third world countries and that is in the applacian mountains (the people there are commonly referred to as "hillbillies")...i'm sure there are other such places in the USA but they are far and few inbetween.
maybe you should get out more.
oh and i have seen real ghettos - all you have to do is take ONE step out of the san diego city limits into tijauana mexico - now that is a ghetto...now step back over the border into san diego's ghetto and all of a sudden it don't look so ghettoish anymore...
i stayed in mission valley for like a year. "TJ's" doesnt seem so ghetto when you have all the minors crossing the boarders and partaking in underage drinking does it??? you are comparing that to san diegos ghetto. compare it to chicago,detroit, new jersey ,new york etc etc etc.
the point is most poor peoples around the world don't even have the option to get their water and electricity cut off because running water and electricity simply does not exist in their communities
thats YOUR point and i understand that. i agree with you however you do have people in america that DONT have tv,dont have cable,cant get a job,dont have running water,live in shack homes with ***NO*** running water etc etc etc. i suggest you take a trip to jersey and visit CAMDEN. you will find sections of camden where people LIVE in houses that are marked CONDEMNED and UNSAFE. no water,no heat.

some people HERE dont have the options to get certain things. which is why we should be concerned about our own instead of other countries.

Jul 24, 2002
allcitypro said:

I think they attacked the way they did because they do not have the resources to fight a "traditional" war like most developed nations let alone going up against a super power...plus it is not a war of nations it is a war of a group with no particular national ties against an established nation...plus why should they be held to "proper war etiqutte" if, like you stated in your last paragraph, the USA has attacked their peoples in exactly the same way?
No I didn't say that, maybe you're mistaking me for someone else.
Anyways I understand what you mean when you say that the terrorists do not have the necessary fire power to wage a conventional war.
My question is why target thousands of civilians?

allcitypro said:

muslims as a whole are not responsible but the group who carried out the attacks have to be held responsible...but the US govt also has to take the responsibility for creating the conditions to open us up to such an attack...and yeah i would have to agree that the US govt is the biggest terrorist group followed only by the israeli mossad.
I agree, the US government has to be held partially accountable for the terrorist attacks.
But they are brain washing the masses through the media.
We some how need to get the message accross.
Uncle Sam is as much a villian as Bin Laden is....

allcitypro said:

i dont think they planned it but if anybody did besides the ones who were blamed then it would be the israeli mossad. they had the most to gain politically and you can see how much they have exploited the attacks for their own propagandist gains.

True, the Isreali's have gained a lot from the attacks.
But you have to realize that the US knew Bin Laden would attack, and they did nothing.
They either felt cocky and didn't believe Bin Laden was capable of any attacks, or they ignored the warning and let Bin Laden serve their purposes.
When I say that the US plotted this thing out ahead of time I was reffering to the Iran/Contra scandal. You see, we planted the seeds of war with Iraq back in the 80's. Not only that but we started funding terrorists and giving them weapons, only a jack ass can't figure out that they would use those weapons against us in the end. The US planted excuses to go in and establish democratic governments in the middle east.
All for the purpose of globalization....
May 12, 2002
LOL @ Heresy with the good call.... "how is it that you are able to have internet access? just curious."

Could the war on iraq be a distraction to eliminate the palistinians by isreal? It would be a good distraction.
Jul 24, 2002

I hear you, it's hard to figure out who orchestrated the 9/11 attacks. We know Bin Laden was involved but it's safe to say he wasn't acting alone.

Now as for the black boxes, they don't always hold up.
There's no chance the black boxes would hold up to the extreme high temperatures produced by jet fuel. Remember, the fuel melted the industrial grade steel beams of the WTC's. There for the black boxes didn't stand a chance.

The 9/11 attacks are the worse thing that has ever happenned to Islam.
Ignorant people blame Islam for the acts of Mohammes Atta and company. We know Bin Laden was involved but I have a gutt feeling someone else bigger than Bin Laden was pullin the strings.
The 9/11 attacks gave the US a perfect excuse to go after Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Remember, back when Clinton was president, he had plans for installing a pipe running accross all of Afganistan for oil. But his plans went sour when Bin Laden attacked a Navy ship of the coast of Yemen. All of a sudden Bin Laden became a terrorist in uncle Sam's eyes.
That's why Bush was very pushy on the Taliban before war broke out. He gave them very little chance to give up Bin Laden, and was quick to strike and topple the Taliban along with Al Queda.
Now with a new Afgan government, Uncle Sam can now run that pipe he was planning on a few years back.
Next step in the plan is to obtain the oil to run through the pipe line. Guess where this oil will be coming from?
Saddam's ass......

Both Saddam and Bin Laden are suckas to Uncle Sam.
Uncle Sam is manipulating them.
Dumb fucks do not even realize that their actions are serving Uncle Sam's purpose....
This is very similar to what us minorities are doing here in the states.
We are serving Uncle Sam's purpose by killing each other....
I wish muthafuckas would realize this shit....
Jul 6, 2002
this post..

is just another reason why i love the ess eye dubble-see in eee dubble ess!! :smile:

I chose the "they were brave" selection, not neccesarily b/c I think they were brave, but you do have to be very bold to righteously believe that you will go to heaven for taking out a few thousand of people with a 757...

I never hated on Bin Laden...he's a g in his own respect..

Now I believe that our MerryCon gov't was behind the 911 scheme too....

Does anyone remember the name of that federal agent (she was a woman) who was assassinated in Washington a couple of months earlier (before 9-11)? She was over Middle Eastern Intelligence and directly worked with terrorists from the mid east?