damn EDJ, lots of questions to somebody that probably isnt a cosmological scientist! i think you were waiting for him to be confused so u can say its all because of god, or at least somethin to the like. if not, my bad....but seriosuly, u cant think were so special that we had to be selectively made by something much greater and unknown, yet we assume we were made in his image. i think thats kinda funny. see, we are the way we are right now because all the previous moments in time had an effect and outcome for the next moment, causing things to SLOWLY change. its called evolution. humans didnt come from monkeys, although we are primates. humans, gorillas, chimps, and orangatangs all have a basic ancestor, meaning an animal that slowly divided off (wether it be from groups of the animals splitting and moving to different geological areas, or possibly even hybrid breedeing with a closely related species) and slowly adapted thier bodys and mind to fit with the conditions wherever they went. i personally dont know HOW we ended up being tha weaker, less hairy, and much smarter apples out of the bunch, but i do know WHY. because the genetics we had over time were superior and versitile enough to be able to adapt us very easily compared to most animals, which over time increased our basic knowledge of the world around us, which increased our ABILITY to learn. its the whole point of evolution. evolve to be on TOP of the game. and thats where we happened to end up. u can compare us to chimps and say "but were so much smarter than them, we hafto be super special beings", but then u can compare chimps to a lizard and come up with about the same ratio. oh, and if i remember correctly, our DNA is 97% identical to that of a chimps...food for THOUGHT